Today Marks the Beginning of the End of Dallas' Great Summer

Categories: Weather

Artist's depiction of the city of Garland

So, Dallas, that was the summer of our lifetimes. Today marks the day where average temperatures begin to drop, continuing their inevitable decline towards whatever horrors Winter 2014 has in store for us. Let's not focus on the inevitable entombment of Dallas in ice quite yet, though. Let's think to ourselves about the last few months, and how they were actually pleasant.

It was a summer of rainbows, of unicorns diving through the clouds, a summer of delight, wonder, intrigue, surprise, and happiness. Every week seemed to bring a new cold snap. Why, at one point I went outside in July and it was seventy degrees. SEVENTY DEGREES. IN JULY. We will never see anything like this again. I'm already getting T-shirts printed up to commemorate the summer. They will simply have a picture of St. Delkus, wearing a tie and a halo, with the hashtag #NEVERFORGET.

Long after the unpreventable heat death of the universe and all matter contained within it, a single surviving atom of being will still remember Dallas' summer of 2014 fondly. People living in Australia are having dreams about this Dallas summer, and they've never even been here, nor do they know why they are having these dreams. This summer was so good, it tore a hole in space-time that Guardians of the Galaxy came out of. In summary (SUMMER-Y) we should all leave now, because it's not getting any better.

August even had 3 inches more rain than average, meaning there's an outside chance the unpreventable heat death of the universe is delayed. Or something. I assume rain comes from space, as my friend's stepfather once told me that increased rainfall is the result of the tilting of the moon. No, he genuinely told me that. I was 13. I still don't know if he was serious. He seemed relatively normal outside misguided conceptions of lunar precipitation.


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So glad that the solar activity slow-down revealed Al Gore for the fraud he has always been.  Global warming was always about building mansions in the Tennessee mountains for everyone in the family.  But when you're at the bottom of the food chain, you don't question the guy with the feed sack.


concert calendar way to lite to be the best summer ever..vortex was good though


So did St. Pete see the shadow of his sleeves?

Sotiredofitall topcommenter

So far, so good; but too early for final verdict

Montemalone topcommenter

The only things that concerns me is will this have any effect on the appearance of The Great Pumpkin on October 31st?


It's August 18th, there's still over a FULL MONTH of Dallas' simmering summer left. Nothing to prevent us from having 27 days of consecutive 100+ degree days right up until the State Fair starts, if satan so wills it. Your chart, it's just statistics - what's happened in the past - not what will happen. There's four 100+ degree days in the long term forecast even now. 


"So, Dallas, that was the summer of our lifetimes."

2007 was even better - guess Gavin hadn't made it to Texas yet.  Did he really get here as fast as he could?


I'm still waiting on the Steve McCauley photos from WFAA's Abu Ghraib. I'm looking at you, Pete_Delkus_Sleeves. A cuff link can do a lot of damage. A lot of damage.


I can't wait for Winter Storm Delkus.


WFAA and others need to make sure they say DFW Airport and not just DFW because it is misleading. Nobody lives at the airport to begin with, so who cares. When some place in Denton County gets 10 inches of rain in a day, then 2.84 is not the biggest ever.


Two weeks until the opening day of Dove Season and it looks like it won't be the scorcher that it usually is. 

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

I'm excited to learn what new word will be big this winter.  Last winter was cobblestone ice

gavin.cleaver moderator

@ColonelAngus Perhaps you didn't notice from the photograph above that this summer had unicorns. I bet 2007 had no unicorns whatsoever.


@Voot Best place to catch Steve McCauley weather updates is on Facebook.  Cheers!


@Voot Unfortunately, the McC isn't an on air personality anymore, and is going for his PhD and teaching at El Centro, although our beloved Pete and WFAA love to still use his forecasting tools and insight in their weather reporting when it comes to peak weather events.  Steve was the best in town in my opinion, but he is a far smarter weather person than most so his unique abilities will be better used for research and reporting rather than wasted on air reading weather charts to DFW residents.  Although his long term affect is WFAA uses weather radars that Steve's company developed.  That little Myownradar on WFAA's site, yeah, thats his.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@DerpDudeTX But DFW airport is the official weather spot for record keeping.  But it is so big that it could rain 3" in one side of the airport and not a trace on the other 


@Sharon_Moreanus I say this was a most glorious summer.  I was little pissed that tornado season sucked and I never got rolled up, but that ensured that this bit can go on for another year.  Also, I look forward to UP's live blog coverage and snowmaggedon  winter 2014 v1, v2 and v3.  Those are wonderful ways to spend Ice days at home


@TheCredibleHulk @NewsDog There is no closed season for Wabbit in Texas. Ducks are controlled by the Feds. And there is no Elmer season at all.  

Sharon_Moreanus topcommenter

We kill (don't eat) because they tear the shit out of the crop...not so tasty either.

My nephew hunts them with his dogs and kills with a knife.

I've been knocked off a 4 wheeler by one. Now I use a gun.

There is this guy...right out side of city limits.

He traps them and the semi comes in 2x a month...$$$

Off to china.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

@ScottsMerkin @TheCredibleHulk

I think cobblestone ice counts. I grew up in the upper midwest and have heard nearly every description for ice known to man and have never heard that term before last year.

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