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Published on November 3rd, 2014 | by Giles Parkinson


Energy Storage Already Makes Financial Sense In Australia

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November 3rd, 2014 by  


Energy storage is already making financial sense in the Australian market, and it won’t be long until battery storage solutions become a compelling investment for households as well as business customers and network operators.

Andrew Simpson, the head of Brisbane-based consultancy Verdant Vision, and a former battery engineer at electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla Motors in the US, says battery storage has long been a “no-brainer” for off-grid applications.

Now it is also making sense for network operators to deploy at utility level, including for renewables integration, given the recent decision by Ergon Energy to install the first of twenty 100kWh battery storage installations on the fringe of its sprawling Queensland network.

Ergon says even unsubsidised battery storage makes sense because it is cheaper than upgrading poles and wires. It sees hundreds of such installations in coming years.

Simpson says battery storage is also already making financial sense for business customers, particularly those on demand charges whose bill is influenced less by how much power they use, and more by the level of their maximum demand.

Simpson says battery storage can help shave those demand peaks, and businesses are now waking up to that opportunity.

He cites the example of a warehouse operator that has a large solar array – they find that the solar output helps them save on energy costs (the amount of electricity they consume), but not on demand charges. Batteries can store excess solar and also help shave that  peak demand. “Business customers are finding they can get a fast pay-back on storage,” he says.

At a presentation this week at the Northern Rivers Energy Forum, Simpson used this graph to show how storage can be used to defray demand charges. If storage is worth 70c/kWh for such customers, there are plenty of battery storage options that can meet that cost.

(Click on these and other graphs to enlarge).

storage-commercial-tariff-300x199Some residential customers are also finding battery storage within reach, even if for early adopters financial equations are not necessarily the primary motivation.

Still, this graph below shows just how close it is in some situations. The structure of tariffs is encouraging households to “self-consume”, and then to add battery storage.

Simpson’s calculations suggest the combination of solar and storage can already deliver a levelised cost of energy as low as 35c/kWh, equivalent to grid tariffs in many parts of the country. This will be of particular interest to the 160,000 or so households that will lose their 66c/kWh solar bonus in NSW at the end of 2016, and will want to look for a way to maximise the value of their solar systems rather then settle for a 6c/kWh tariff from their retailer.

storage-residential-tariff-300x209The growing adoption of battery storage does, of course, create huge issues for incumbent utilities, as does the inevitable rise in network and other costs. “The advent of storage is creating a real dilemma for utilities,” Simpson says.

“The way things are going people will opt out (of the grid). The utilities need to get on top of this and develop a plan to encourage people to stay on the grid. Whether that is through tariff reform, I’m not sure, but they have got to do it (their business models) differently.”

One options suggested by Simpson is the creation of micro-grids in the residential sector, where networks are restructured around storage and only trade with the wholesale market when it makes sense.

That’s a win for everyone, because it saves on network upgrades and should deliver reduced costs. Retirement villages, for instance, would be the perfect example of where this could work, but there is no reason such a concept couldn’t work on a town or suburban level.

This graph below is also interesting, showing how to arrive at the real cost of a lithium ion battery. It is a sample only, but it illustrates that the installed cost of a battery is just part of the equation. The key metrics lie in the life of the asset, how many cycles, and of course the efficiency and capital costs.

storage-sample-300x182Simpson does not necessarily accept the general belief that the Tesla “gigafactory” will lead to a dramatic reduction in battery storage costs. That’s because the batteries for EVs are completely different for houses. Tesla already has a favourable battery cost because of a deal with Panasonic, and a fall to $150/kWh for Tesla will not translate into the stationary market. But it will help.

Source: RenewEconomy. Reprinted with permission.

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About the Author

is the founding editor of, an Australian-based website that provides news and analysis on cleantech, carbon, and climate issues. Giles is based in Sydney and is watching the (slow, but quickening) transformation of Australia's energy grid with great interest.

  • Ronald Brakels

    It’s not unusual for Australians to pay 40+ US cents a kilowatt-hour for electricity including supply charges. With feed-in tariffs for new solar typically around 5 US cents a kilowatt-hour, the break even point for home energy storage that lets people go off grid is pretty high here. And given that the average price of electricity per kilowatt-hour is about 25 US cents the breakeven point for on grid storage is also pretty high. Energy storage at under 20 US cents a kilowatt-hour will start to do the trick. I really hope Germany hurries up and does all the work for us.

  • Roy Wagner

    The vanadium redox flow battery was invented in Australia these systems are coming down in price too, Better for community scale projects

  • Roy Wagner

    Tesla already offers a range of energy storage offerings for commercial use and for residential as part of a solar PV lease program

  • JamesWimberley

    Cheap car batteries will feed through to the residential market in a few years’ time, as car batteries are replaced under warranty or after upgrades and recycled foe less demanding residential use. But I agree, it won’t be an instantaneous process.

    • Bob_Wallace

      If Tesla is paying Panasonic only $180/kWh now then SolarCity will be paying something under $150/kWh when the new giga factory opens. Long before a significant number of used EV batteries are available we’re likely to see new batteries at a very attractive price.

      If either vanadium or liquid metal batteries work for utility storage then that’s going to mean that lithium battery supplies are going to be aimed at residential use with utilities going for the cheaper options.

      I think we now have three battery companies gearing up for large scale battery production. Panasonic/Tesla won’t be the only players a couple years from now.

  • Hans

    Storage that serves to increase the self-usage of PV system owners can be a burden to the grid, rather than an asset. Batteries will be filled as soon as production exceeds the own usage, and as soon as the battery is full the excess is dumped on the grid. Many systems will do this at the same time, causing even steeper ramps than PV without storage.

    It is up to the utilities and law-makers to come up with a pricing system that ecourages storage to serve the grid, rather than only the owner. Until than ‘selfish’ storage systems will at least serve to help battery technology down the learning curve.

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