Outside Clay Jenkins' Home, a Protest, a Lemonade Stand and Some Awkwardness

Categories: News

Sky Chadde
Protesters on Saturday employed "shoe on the other foot" tactics -- they believed Judge Jenkins was forcing immigrants on their land, so they forced themselves, peacefully, on his. John Fournace is in the middle.
Sarah Buchanan's mother grizzly was showing. On her Highland Park block, in which the large branches of trees provided some relief from the 100-degree day, her son and his friends had set up a lemonade stand in front of her house. Two doors down was the home of Judge Clay Jenkins, who has made headlines nationwide with his plan to temporarily shelter thousands of young migrants, apprehended by border patrol as part of a recent surge from Central America, in Dallas County. It's sparked protests around DFW and will surely spark more, and on Saturday about 20 protesters held signs outside Jenkins' home.

They also partook in the pink lemonade offered, for 75 cents, outside Buchanan's house. Last week, residents on Jenkins' block received notice, through the mail, that protesters would be there. For Buchanan's son, it was an opportunity to make some money. Buchanan had thought it was a great idea, but at the moment she wasn't so sure.

A man carrying the first flag of Texas and wearing a blue do-rag with white stars had walked down the block from Jenkins' home. His name is John Fournace, a welder and a self-described Texas Nationalist. The most important thing when it comes to the border, he said, is education. So, he decided to educate the kids at the lemonade stand.

See also:
- Decision to Shelter Immigrant Kids Brings Out More Protesters on Both Sides
- Where Migrant Kids Will Likely Live in Dallas

He wanted to make sure they understood the dangers the immigrant children posed. Stay safe at school, he said. They carry infectious diseases, he said.

"Sir," Buchanan said, concern creeping into her voice. She said she's known the judge for the past eight years, but she wasn't in her yard for any political reason. Her kids, she thought, didn't need to hear that.

"The kids deserve to not be diseducated," Fournace said as he walked down the sidewalk, back to the protest.

Buchanan turned to her friend.

"We might be closing up soon," she said, with a small laugh.

It was probably the tensest moment at an otherwise uneventful protest. The judge wasn't home, apparently out of state. (We rang the doorbell; there was no reply.) Two Highland Park police officers stood outside Jenkins' door, and police Suburbans were stationed around the block. After about two hours, the protest was called, due to heat.

Sky Chadde
Q Coleman is an event planner, and he uses those skills to plan conservative protests pro bono.
Many of the protesters said they were legal immigrants or had family members who were. Fournace said his fiance and her family had migrated legally from Mexico City. It took them 10 years, he said. He believes the people crossing the border have no respect for the law, and that housing their children is just another step in America's path to being a welfare state. In terms of national debt, he said, "we're already Greece."

Q Coleman, who runs an organization named Rally Force that assists conservative groups in putting together protests, said he migrated from Cuba in 1960. He was 17. He waited his turn, he said. To him, Jenkins' proposal was not just unfair, but "unjust, immoral and very illegal."

"I'm not just bitter," he said. "I'm pissed."

Send your story tips to the author, Sky Chadde.


My Voice Nation Help

I would be very surprised, and enormously angry, if Clay Jenkins was re-elected or even appointed by Obama to a government position. 

Without consulting Dallasites, and even consulting the Commissioners Court, or allocating budget funds for their illegal teenagers and young aduts - many of the gang members, Jenkins just unilaterally volunteered to commit millions of Dollars caring for illegal aliens, and threaten DISD with such a drag and overflow, that he might as well have tried to drag Dallas County down to the level of these unwelcome trespassers.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

All they need are some white sheets and pointy hoods, and RuddSki can lead them in a cross-burning rally.


The liberal message of "If you are an illegal, you move to the front of the line" is being heard loud and clear. We have dire need in our own communities! This is absolutely discrimination of all legal Americans because it's taking from them to provide housing, food, medical care and education for non citizens.  Who is representing the American people Mr Jenkins?


Taking the protest to Highland Park does highlight the hypocrisy of elites who live in privileged and protected enclaves--and yes that includes Highland Park resident Clay Jenkins--who promote policies that are inimical to the interests of citizens in the middle and working classes and to the interests of citizens who are poor.

New public opinion polling in the U.S. (Economist/YouGov) finds 77%--including 64% of Latinos--want to send illegal alien minors back to their home countries.  Only 11% opt in favor of amnesty.  It is clear that public officials such as President Obama, Senator Reid (the border is secure) and Judge Clay Jenkins are not representing majoritarian opinion on this specific issue or on the broader issue of immigration.  However, I would say they are representing elite opinion extremely well on the matter of immigration.  Just ask George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, Sheldon Adelson, Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch and the Koch brothers! 

RTGolden1 topcommenter

I see the picture here, and I'm reminded of a little event brought to us during the big latino protests during the Bush administration.  It was at an LA protest, and everyone was wearing white t-shirts with the Mexican flag on them.  I want to say George Lopez was the guy going around with a camera.  He asks one person why they're protesting.  The reply was something along the lines of just wanting to be treated equally to everyone else, why couldn't they just be treated like Americans?

The natural response was levied out, and fits well here "Maybe it has something to do with the flag on your shirt!" 

I'd say the same thing to the dude in the picture, "Wrong flag, wrong message, just wrong."

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

If it was homemade lemonade, 75 cents is a bargain.


Nothing sums up the hypocrisy more than the guy hold the Xtian flag and making certain the camera gets a shot of the cross. 

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Speaking of homes... all is quiet, and busy, at the Katz household.  Katniss and Spot are working on a way to shift in and out of their nine lives.  Big Kitty has brought out my old Ouija board and is scaring the living daylights out of poor Miss U.  And the Siamese males are finalizing plans to open a Whirling Dervish seminary for cats. 


Aw. They called the protest due to heat? 

Maybe they could hire someone to do all their outside stuff for them.


"I'm not just bitter," he said. "I'm pissed."

Nah, you are an idiot. 


Q Coleman came here as a child in 1960? Fun fact: "Operation Peter Pan is a codename of the CIA project, in course of which over 14,000 Cuban children were sent from Cuba to Miami [between November 1960 and October 1962] by their parents after rumors were spread that the Cuban government led by Fidel Castro would soon begin taking children against the wishes of their parents to military schools and to Soviet labor camps."

So congratulations, Q Coleman! You didn't "wait your turn". You didn't wait at all! You're only here because the CIA wanted to destabilize the Cuban government and used propaganda, worried parents, and children like you to do it. 

mavdog topcommenter

This wasn't about Jenkins, he wasn't home and these protesters knew that. This was about these protesters being jerks.

Free speech is a right that needs to be honored, but these folks were just disturbing Jenkins' neighbors and neighborhood. There was a better place to hold their protest.

But then what would anyone expect from a person who states "the kids deserve to not be diseducated"....


There is another side to this story, a positive side, that shows Texans, Dallasites, in particular, doing what they can to make this situation better for these refugee kids. It is about the kids, after all. It is a story of humanitarians of all political, racial, and religious stripes coming together. i wish The Observer would also write about that. 


@DonkeyHotay Do you really find it perfectly rational that six year-olds are walking over 1000 miles in two dangerous and hostile countries and into a third without food, water, compass, or maps


And what six year-old, or even 15 year-old, can come up with $5,000 to pay a coyote?

These people are not refugees.  They are here for the money and handouts, and because Obama has advertised that they won't be sent back.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Oh!  And what about Myrna?  Myrna is penning a scathingly brilliant prequel to Andréa Chénier, to be performed on stage by yours very truly.  It will chronicle the très riches heures of Madame de Coigny's Paris salon before she was hauled off to the guillotine.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


He reflects the views of many, if not most legal immigrants have of illegal immigration. Are they all idiots?


@EdD.  Ed: you have been misinformed by a posting in Wikipedia. In fact, the District Court, N.D. Illinois, E.A., ruled in March 12 , 1999, in a 1998 Freedom of Information Act suit brought against the C.I.A. by a professor, that the C.I.A. was not involved in Operation Pedro Pan. After reviewing nearly 800 pages of classified information that it compelled the C.I.A. to turn over to the court, the District Court ruled that "the evacuation of Cuban children turned out not to be a CIA operation at all." (See: http://www.leagle.com/decision/199999939FSupp2d960_1906). One cannot trust everything one reads in Wikipedia, particularly if it is intended to misinform.



I was already in the US when Pedro Pan started; and I was seventeen.So you've made two wrong assumptions: that I Hispanics at seventeen are 'kids', and that I came with that group, which regardless of whether it was a CIA "project" or not (definitely debatable), did save many actual children from the totalitarian brainwashing that came soon after.

The big point here is that I was PROCESSED LEGALLY, as were the thousands of children from Peter Pan (as were all the "Mariel Boat People" that came years later, BTW). I personally don't agree with some of what was done, especially in the latter case.But the fact is that our arrival was ANTICIPATED by this country and our diaspora planned for.

Can you see the difference between that and what is happening at our porous borders?

Nah, didn't thinks so.



Here is what I like about what you have presented Ed - 

All the Right wing idiots are all going, "BUT.........(enter silly anti Obama rhetoric here).

Notice they really don't comment on 'ol Q Coleman's hypocrisy? Instead they go back to the same old bullshit. This is textbook, 100%.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


We see the same dynamic, except this time the purpose is to destabilize America for the benefit of one man, and ultimately one political party.


@EdD. so...when a 3 letter agency decides to speed up the process, it's about destabilization, using propaganda, worried parents, and children? Just replace ICE with CIA and your statement still holds water.

I wonder how many of these kids are going to enroll in HPISD in the fall?


@tvlscat  You are so right.  Yet DO has come to represent and become base for this small group of hate mongers who want to highlight the worst of the worst bigots.  Thank you JOE TONE for providing this un-moderated open forum for bigots to spew their extremist crap and helping to muddle the message that our State is full of compassionate people from both sides of the aisle. 

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@noblefurrtexas ... so the 6 year-olds are paying off the $5,000 coyotes with food stamps? ... or their school lunch money?

Does it hurt to be so fucking stupid?



Yes, THIS COUNTRY GREETED  YOU WITH OPEN ARMS. But you will not do that now? That is hypocrisy.  


@TheRuddSki Who, Rick Perry? You did get the memo that Barack Obama can't run in 2016, no mater how much you want to keep Hillary Clinton from running, right?


@TexMarine The difference here is that the CIA was the agency starting the rumors, inducing the immigration, and waiting at the airport with papers for the new arrivals. ICE and CPB are trying to deal with rumors started by others, prevent the immigration, and waiting only for more judges to be appointed to speed up the process of sending these kids back to Central America. But, yeah, other than being the exact opposite it's completely the same. And my point stands: Q Coleman didn't "wait his turn", he was just lucky enough to be a pawn in the right game.


@bippyizod @tvlscat 

'base for this small group of hate mongers who want to highlight the worst of the worst bigots. '

I guess the financially strapped Ohio school district that voices alarm over the required interpreters that it cannot afford would be considered a better version hate mongers and bigots.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@bippyizod @tvlscat Unfair Park's mission doesn't seem to be the painting of a rosy picture of Dallas, of Texas or of the United States or the world in general.  It's mission does seem to be to provide a place where everyone, right, wrong or indifferent has a pulpit to bully from.  Some of them, like yourself (Jack), can't seem to be satisfied with one pulpit and carve out for themselves several pulpits from which to belch their thoughts.  And that's alright too.

The point is, we all have our place here.  No position is too untenable, no thought too grotesque, no moral too sacred to be voiced, discussed, vilified or exalted here.  We all belong.  What could be more American than that?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


If you hate diversity of opinion, why not take the initiative and either ignore it, or go to LGF or DU, where uniformity of thought is heavily enforced?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


When your position is both illogical, illegal, unfair, bigoted and rejected by the great majority of people with direct, hands-on knowledge of the issue, you gotta wonder exactly who is the idiot.


@EdD. @TheRuddSki  One would think that the closet bigots that took the pledge to do everything they could to make certain Obama gets nothing accomplished (from the top ranking republican's to the low life scum sucking commenters) are going above and beyond their own call of duty.  To the point they seem to forget at some point they need to come up with a actual candidate that actually STANDS for something.  Now it appears that Obama bashing is an addiction (like incessantly posting comments every other minute on out of state blogs) and that some will continue this well into future decades.

Common sense would dictate they would have switched over to Clinton bashing last year understanding Obama can't run in 2016.  You may be right that they simply don't understand that 8 years is the max for a President. 

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Obama has a legacy, midterm elections and presidential elections to worry about. As much as he is a secretive, standoffish loner, he still has obligations to his party.


@EdD. @TexMarine  EdD. You have been misinformed by Wikipedia. The District Court, N.D. Illinois, E.D. ruled in 1999 in a 1998 Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought against the C.I.A. by a university professor that the C.I.A. had nothing to do with Operation Pedro Pan. After carefully reviewing nearly 800 pages of classified documents it compelled the C.I.A. to turn over, the District Court concluded that "the evacuation of Cuban children turned out not to be a CIA operation at all." (See: http://www.leagle.com/decision/199999939FSupp2d960_1906). Not everything appearing in Wikipedia is necessarily true!


@RTGolden1 I agree with about 90 percent of what you are saying.  I think though in comparing Bush bashing to Obama bashing there are a couple of exceptions. If libs were to have given Bush the same treatment, we would have stuck with the theme of Gore getting ripped off in Florida by that haggard whore face women Kathleen and continued.  Granted, Bush did provide a lot of food for fodder.  Then he had us all in the palm of his hands on 9/11.  The lost us with the WMD BS.  And so we didn't bash and hold up everything else he did, it was just that he didn't do anything beyond that and of course we never shut up about it and probably never will.  And that, in the long run, might be a good way to save a few bucks.

Yet, prior to Obama having a chance for a honeymoon the right laid in and said NO WAY Jose to Obama on everything.  And they stuck to it.  And to this day have made sure to hold up everything.  Not because the ideal or concept is bad (as evidenced by the Republican ideals he rehashed) but just because it was Obama. 

The bummer part of this is (Jenny) that now when a Republican gets into to office to we progressives take the high road and try to work WITH him/her or do we play the same game of NO Way NO How on Everything?

Now full circle to this blog.  I agree it will never be a rational blog again.  The powers that be do not want that.  So if you can't beat them then beat with them and I have to admit it can be great fun.  This is the home for hate and a great place to blame Obama and liberals for everything.  It just takes a moment to understand the new game rules and sometimes new people show up and (crazy them) try to say something rational and they are shown to the door quickly.  I just wish they knew that this is a place that allows open butthole farts and the more you can stink up the place (Loretta) the more we love it.  I have let three go since I have been writing this.   PULL your nose down to the screen and take a big super whiff!!!  ONE stanky skanky stank just 4 U (Julianne)

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@bippyizod @EdD. @TheRuddSki The exact same set of behaviors was exhibited by those on the left for the 8 years preceding Obama's initial election.

Those on the left also ran against the incumbent, instead of creating a platform and putting up a candidate who STOOD for something.  Can't say that I blame them, running against the incumbent is much easier than running FOR anything at all.  It also leaves an easy out for all the broken promises.  It works for both sides of the political spectrum, so you seem a bit hypocritical right now.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


...actual candidate that actually STANDS for something.

Like Romney? Maybe you weren't paying attention, being an angry little guy and all.

As for eight years, what makes you think Obama will honor his oath, the Constitution, or any other part of the system he complains of and blames for his failures?

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