Items Tagged with 'production'


Continental Cuts Capex by 12%, Monetizes Oil Hedges

Continental Resources Inc. is betting that the sell-off in crude oil has hit bottom and has monetized nearly all of its hedge positions through 2016, while keeping about one-third of its natural gas hedged in 2015 at an average price of $4.34/Mcf. Read More

Texas Oilfields Push Devon Production Forecast 3% Higher

Devon Energy Corp. expects to achieve 14% more production this year than it did in 2013, a 3% higher forecast from a few months ago, after surpassing expectations from Texas oilfields during the third quarter. Read More

Marathon's U.S. Onshore Can Weather Price Downturn, Executives Say

Marathon Oil Corp.'s U.S. resource plays can hold their own in a low-price environment, and the company's U.S. drilling program is expected to proceed essentially unchanged from plan, executives said Tuesday. Read More

ExxonMobil's Bakken, Woodford, Permian Driving U.S. Onshore

ExxonMobil Corp.'s U.S. onshore targets have proven to be a liquids-rich generator, and the company is continuing to prowl for attractive acquisitions, particularly in the Permian Basin, a top executive said Friday. Read More

Stampede Field in Deepwater Gulf of Mexico in Production by 2018, Hess Says

Hess. Corp., operator and partial owner of the Stampede oil and natural gas project in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico (GOM), will move forward with the project and expects it to begin production in 2018, the company said Thursday. Read More

Shell's Global LNG Sales Jump 16%

Global liquefied natural gas (LNG) developments are starting to show positive earnings momentum for Royal Dutch Shell plc as its strategy to invest for profitability over volumes begins to pay off, CFO Simon Henry said Thursday. Read More

Texas Crude Production Climbing, NatGas Down From Year-Ago Levels

Texas crude oil and natural gas production statistics continue to reflect producers’ preference for oil over less-lucrative natural gas... Read More

Falling Oil Prices Squeezing Onshore E&P Operators

It's only a "matter of weeks" before onshore operators begin laying down rigs in some U.S. oilfields, one industry observer told NGI on Tuesday. Onshore exploration and production (E&P) companies also are seeking price relief from oilfield service operators, according to one energy analyst. Read More

With Consol Production Up, Company Plans Split of Coal, Gas Businesses

Consol Energy Inc. continued to shake up its business model in the third quarter, once again setting a natural gas production record that saw major gains in liquids volumes from both the Marcellus and Utica shales as it continues its transition from coal to exploration and production (E&P). Read More

Five-Year Outlook: North Dakota Oil Production to Grow Steadily

On average, North Dakota oil production, which surged past the 1 million b/d mark earlier this year, will continue to grow steadily at a rate of about 18,000 b/d each month through 2019, according to a study completed in September for the state legislature. Read More