Trinity Trust's Plan for River Amenities Is a Vivid, Impossible Fever Dream

The Trinity Trust
Are the three in black and white stripes together, or what?
Say what you will about boring stuff like feasibility -- as surrealist art the latest renderings of potential park-like amenities between the Trinity River levees are pretty damn amazing.

Tragically, the solar-powered water taxis we've all grown to love from earlier sales pitches for the Trinity project are gone, but the latest conceptual images for the lakes near downtown include jugglers, zip lines and a water "spray park." Presumably, the water for the spray park -- like the water for the lakes -- wouldn't come from the river itself because, you know, disease. But in any case, the renderings Assistant City Manager Jill Jordan and the Trinity trust showed a City Council committee on Monday were incredible. By that we mean not credible.

At least that's how some City Council member saw it.

The Trinity Trust
See, it doesn't look too scary.
"We've been sold on a lot of watercolors," City Council member Scott Griggs said in response to a presentation made by Jordan and Gail Thomas from the trust. "I understand the drawings are conceptual, but these are almost too conceptual."

The plans downplay the proposed Trinity toll road, Griggs said, and feature multiple trees despite the City Council being told repeatedly by Jordan and the Army Corps of Engineers that trees could not be planted in the flood way.

"I think it's great to be aspirational, but like [Griggs] I was dismayed by some of the drawings," Councilmember Sandy Greyson told Jordan while describing the renderings of the "so-called parkway" as "misleading."

Jordan countered that the concepts were "dreams" of what the area could look like if it received the proper funding. That's right, we're all still dreaming of the tollway.

Sheffie Kadane certainly is. He called the renderings fantastic.

"The road's not going to hurt [the plan for the Trinity] at all. It will help it. It's an asset," is a thing Kadane actually said.

After Philip Kingston piled on a bit more for the anti-toll road faction, Vonciel Jones Hill, chair of the Trinity and Transportation Committee hearing the presentation, admonished him.

"You're concentrating on the parkway and this presentation is about the lakes," she said. "I continue to hear some of my fellow council members say they will field a slate of candidates to stop the parkway."

Now, according to Hill, is not the time for that. Regardless of how people feel, the project has been voted for. Everyone needs to get in line.

"The discussion now is how do we make it happen," she said.


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"Dreaming" (The Smallpools)

"Sweet Dreams (are made of this)" (Eurythmics)

"Dreaming" (Blondie)
"Dream a Little Dream of Me" (Doris Day)
 {lady singers in historical order!}

Yes, I just high-fived myself, how did you know?

Sotiredofitall topcommenter

boon·dog·gle   noun  [ˈbün-ˌdä-gəl]

: an expensive and wasteful project usually paid for with public money


Of all the zombie-populated renderings we've seen in Dallas, this one attains new heights of absurdity.  I wonder if there will be a rendering of the "Float Up Plaza" that will be available under the bridge during periods of flooding?  The kids get swept away from the rock climbing wall, but their tethering keeps them near the bridge while they splash in the current.  Could be a companion attraction to the downstream kayak wave.  

There will be water taxis, not solar but instead they will be powered by Aqua-net and pretense, and will offer the best photo vantage point for parents watching the kiddies splash in the nice water.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

A couple of observations:

1) Look at the children climbing the rockwall.  Look very carefully at their feet.

2) Why is vegetation being put in the flood way? This decreases the capacity of the flood way, which will increase the height of the flood crests.

3)  The Floodway Tollway as envisioned in the rendering decreases the capacity of the flood way.  How much will the flood crests be increased for a given flood event?  Will there still be capacity for the 500 year event?

4)  Look at the angle and height of the sun in the sky.  It looks as if the latitude of Dallas has changed or the tilt of earth's axis; or, both.

5)  The ROW width of the Floodway Tollway appears to be about 150 ft +/- in width.  At the Commerce Street bridge, the flood way is about 1,500 ft wide.  I think it would be fair to say that the capacity of the flood way will be reduced by 10%.

6) Note that there are no shoulders on the roadway.

7) How many times have we seen renderings of roadways with nice landscaped medians?  How many roadways do we have with nice, landscaped medians?

8) Standing under a bridge is like being inside a drum of a marching band.

9) Finally, were the solar powered water taxis killed because they weren't CNG powered or because Yellow Cab couldn't maintain control over them?

After writing this, why do I feel like this is similar to a children's puzzle that has the Heironymous Bosch like drawing with the caption of: "Find these items."

PS:  I would remind Vonciel of the court case concerning the original bond election that nothing in the glossy pamphlets or campaign advertising matters.  It is solely the wording in the ballot that matters.


I think all of the people proposing these "amenities" forget the basic fact that the are they are wanting to put all of these "amenities" in is a flood zone. It routinely (at least every few years). I think the best proposal I've seen is the ones where the mountain bikers wanted to put in dirt trails there.  These are relatively cheap to build and easy to maintain. If I remember correctly, they even were willing to build the trails themselves and maintain them.

All of the playgrounds, water parks, and other facilities will require a massive amount of maintenance. Remember, the city can't even afford to properly maintain the recreation facilities it has now.


Just like trials under Henry Wade, "We've decided on the verdict; let's start assembling the facts to support it."


Can't we just call this "West Nile Park" and move on?


What % of hearing involved a discussion of flood plans for this infrastructure?


There are some glaring problems with the designs. The Corps of Engineers would never allow the Third Lake rendering with a connected lake to the main channel of the Trinity River. They have said this many times in previous meetings that the lakes must be off-channel. Much of that from an engineering standpoint involves how the sewer system works and the potential of backflow if designed wrong. That lake is a non-starter.

I thought the Toll Road was supposed to be 6 lanes not 4. Why are 4 lanes in some of the traffic drawings.

Whatever happened to the Sylvan Avenue Boat Ramp that taxpayers built? It was the first Trinity River amenity and has already been forgotten and destroyed.

Whatever happened to the Trinity Forest Overlook concrete ADA trail? It is the concrete part of a trail that roughly runs from Bexar Street in the vicinity of the Buckeye Grove. The concrete trail has been abandoned by the city and is so overgrown in spots it is hard to see the concrete.

Build and abandon. Move on to the next shiny thing. Proven track record of allowing things to be overbought, underbuilt, overpromised and then neglected to the point of abandon. None of this is sustainable in design or maintenance for the future. The shelf life of these projects is that of a McDonalds playground.


I just looked at the slide show and can't find the toll road, only a two lane "parkway" with a tall wall protecting it from flooding. And then, what happens to all the "amenities" when the Trinity River floods and covers the lakes, "Pop Up Plaza" and "Water Maze" with mud and trash? Will someone just hose it off and go back to business as usual when the water goes down? Who pays for that? This sounds like a pretty important detail to me but maybe I missed it.  


Seems like the thing ought to be beyond electronic collage by now.


I like pretty pictures. But I like pretty animations more! Here is an animation of a flyover of the  635 rebuild:

Why can't the Trinity Trust put together an animation like that for the Trinity Toll way? It could show all of the interchanges and how the compliment the amenities of the river park. Why won't they just show what it will really look like?

Montemalone topcommenter

What about the mimes?

My god, man.

Where are the mimes?

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

I just realized one other thing that is wrong with the sun in the first rendering.

This would mean that Dallas is in the Southern Hemisphere.


@d-may The Trust has an animated flyover, it usually plays on a loop in their office. 


@Montemalone assured...there will be mimes, or there will be hell to pay.


Oh yeah, and why did they remove that video from their YouTube page?


They had a false one made many years go that didn't show the correct number of lanes, the access roads, the ramps, flood walls, or the interchanges. I'm asking for a real one that correctly displays all of the pieces. It's not like they don't have that info. The thing is in permitting now.

The point is, they clearly don't want people to know what they actually have planned because it would show everything else they have sold us was just bait and switch.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

@MaxNoDifference @ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul 

I don't think so.  The RR bridge is north of the Commerce St. bridge.  The shadows on the people are pointing to the south which means that the sun is in the northern half of the sky, not the southern half.

It wouldn't matter which end of the Commerce St bridge you are on, your shadow should be cast to the north not the south.

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