Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, Philip Kingston Divided over Whether You Should Eat Meat on Thursday

Mayor Mike Rawlings and City Councilman Philip Kingston preparing to battle over meatless Thursday proposal.
In further proof that Mike Rawlings' tendency to craft major policy initiatives in secret is ruffling feathers at City Hall, some (or at least one) City Council member is pushing back against the mayor's newly hatched plan to curb Dallas' meat consumption.

The blowback comes on the heels of Rawlings' proclamation of Thursday, March 20, as the "Great American Meatout Day" in Dallas, encouraging residents to "'kick the meat habit and explore a plant-based diet."

Farm Animal Rights Movement, the animal-advocacy group that sponsors the Meatout, was quick to praise Rawlings for his leadership. But Councilman Philip Kingston was skeptical.

See also: Dallas Councilman Philip Kingston Caught Looking at Boobs During City Council Meeting

"Maddox speaks for me on this issue," he wrote on his campaign Facebook page, linking to that author's satirical website The Best Page in the Universe.

The linked page features a picture of a chimpanzee, koala and toucan comically stuffed into a large cooking pot. "FOR EVERY ANIMAL YOU DON'T EAT I'M GOING TO EAT THREE," the text -- and, by extension, Kingston -- says.

There follows a lengthy screed against vegetarians, whom Maddox/Kingston characterize as self-righteous and insufferable.

"Ever get the feeling that vegetarians consider themselves morally superior to you? Like they think that not eating meat makes them so special that their shit doesn't stink?" Maddox/Kingston write. "As if when someone stops eating meat, they suddenly become holy and dignified and it excuses them for the years of inconvenience and frustration they inevitably inflict upon their friends, family and co-workers who just want to go to a restaurant and order a damn steak without constantly being reminded that they're going to hell for eating an animal that spends most of its life shitting in a field."

Maddox/Kingston go on to encourage Americans to "sponsor" a vegetarian by eating three times the amount of meat they would otherwise eat, preferably including zoo animals.

Asked on Facebook whether the koala or chimp is a breakfast food, Kingston responded "Toucan for breakfast. Duh."

Send your story tips to the author, Eric Nicholson.


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So sad that he can't come up with his own clever diatribe but instead relies on Maddox. Just wait til Maddox finds out.....


Well, I need to get a couple of big thick free range steaks and eat them on Thursday.

I have no problem with vegetarians and vegans who choose to not eat meat because they believe it is healthier. That's their choice. But, the ones who think it will improve animal's lives if people did not eat meat or animal products are delusional. What do they think would happen to all of these animals if people stopped eating meat? There would no longer be a reason for people to keep them, and they would be competing for the food that people eat. At best, they would be euthanized and turned into fertilizer. Many would be abandoned and die a painful death by starvation. Also, do they think no animals are harmed in the growing of plant products? A couple of pounds of animals go into every bushel of grain harvested. It's just the true nature of agriculture and raising food for people to eat.


To paraphrase Ron White:

I didn't work my way to the top of the food chain to eat sprouts. 


Gonna go shoot me some organic, free-range feral hog next weekend.  


Our level of meat consumption isn't sustainable in the long term. Fun prediction: eventually, food shortages due to an unsustainable increase in population, as well as rising energy costs, will force the hand of the government and agriculture industry to grow the most efficient and nutritious food possible -- vegetables, where before feed grain for cattle once grew. Prices for real meat will go sky high and most will be forced to eat lab-grown meat (which, if molecularly identical, might taste just as good, anyway). Your great grandkids will love eating lab-grown ribeyes at steakhouses.


'There follows a lengthy screed against vegetarians, whom Maddox/Kingston characterize as self-righteous and insufferable."

well they are "self-righteous and insufferable" to say the least.

why is this issue of concern to the mayor and the city council? shouldn't they focus their attention on fixing the roads, funding the library and other issues that directly impact the city and its citizens?


I can't even wrap my head around an elected official quoting a webpage from the dawn of the www. And that page being Maddox. 

No really. WTF/. 

Montemalone topcommenter

Meatout day sounds like all kindsa fun, but probably not the way they mean it.

I'm having chicken for dinner.


If the council switch to vegetables, Atkins and Hill would be gone.

What's the toughest part about eating vegetables? The wheelchair.


fair is fair...I've gone  a week without eating vegetables


This is like the mayor of Boston telling the wretched citizens of that benighted outpost not to eat chowdah. This is like the mayor of Savannah declaring a "Kick Key Lime Pie to the Curb" Day. This is like the mayor of San Francisco intoning with the melodramatic anguish of Joan Crawford (because, well, you know), "No.Sourdough. BREAD!" This is like the mayor of San Diego rolling out a vigorous Fuck Fish Tacos campaign.This is like the mayor of Baltimore saying "Ditch Crab Cakes for Jesus No Don't Shoot!"  

Is this this joker's idea of performance art? Because I thought performance art usually had a little bare tit. And let's face it, Rawlings has some pretty nice ones.

mavdog topcommenter

and as a follow up, Rawlings was quick to point out that Pizza Hut offers many meatless pizzas that can be bought on his "Meatless Thursday"....Rawlings takes the mantra "always be selling" to heart.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Do they know that a lot of poor people in this area already go without meat?  And not just one day a week? 


"'kick the meat habit and explore a plant-based diet."...... because Mike Rawlings is the visual epitome of a healthy eating lifestyle.


Great move in a cattle state.



The most sustainable thing on Earth is predictions of unsustainability.


@bvckvs And, he has influenced my behavior...this Thursday I will trot off to a steakhouse and order up a delicious portion of dead cow, cooked medium rare.



What's making them obese?



My guess was Evangelicals


@ruddski It's science, stupid. Because cheap food that poor people can afford offer no nutritional value, are loaded with fillers that cause the pancreas to quit producing enough insulin and the obesity/diabetes cycle starts. Unfortunately Top Ramen doesn't count as a vegetable.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter


I know the answer to your question.

However, being critical of the welfare state and laziness, and along the lines of teaching you how to fish rather than broil your snapper for you, I'm just handling your request as I would one from a kid who is perfectly capable of handling such a monumental task." ---Ruddski, 8 days ago

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@ruddski Evangelical, Libertarian Republicans with clogged arteries and an inchoate desire to make you clog your own arteries.

Bucky is nothing if not thorough in his labeling.



Quoth the angry one :"Do they know that a lot of poor people in this area already go without meat?"


Priced veggie dogs lately, Ms Logical?

Like they said in the NPR link I posted:

"Lots more intervention is needed to change behavior."

It sounds better in the original Russian.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Miss Ruddski is trying to make it look as if poor people are gluttoning out on such things as Cassoulet au Canard, or Entrecôte Périgourdine.  THEY'RE EATING HOT DOGS, YOU SCHMUCK!



Thanks for the science lesson, moron.


@ruddski Most fast food is meat? Didn't I just read something about the "meat" in McDonald's being 80% not meat? 



What a wonderful visual image, an octogenarian JAP puking ten, twenty times a day, all under my control.

Now HEAVE bitch LOL.


@mavdog  Only partially correct.  Low glycemic index carbs are a bigger cause of stored body fat than consumed fat is.  Look at the ingredients and you will be surprised by how much sugar (and sugar substitutes) are in the food.  Especially the sauces.  Couple that with the supersized sodas, buns and the fries/frylike items and you have a recipe for fat.



A double cheeseburger is comprised of meat, hence the name. Throw in the bun, fries and soda, and you've got what is basically poison.

Did you read about the guy who lost 56 pounds eating McDonalds exclusively? Didn't say what he ate there, coulda been napkins and ketchup. It might work for me, because I couldn't get through a whole cheeseburger without heaving.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter


Umm, I have my doubts that fast food meat is meat.  I think that that it is a homogenized animal protein rich food like substance meat analogue with non-animal protein extenders and polyunsaturated lipid texture and taste components that is formed and pressed to appear as either a hamburger patty or chicken pieces.

The hamburger patty comes with preprinted caramelized grill marks.

The chicken pieces are available with wheat based (gluten free optional) coating, or as a textured meat product with the preprinted caramelized grill marks.

mavdog topcommenter


I wanted to see if you knew that one big reason for poor folks' obesity was because they eat too much fast food.

Most fast food is MEAT.

the issue with fast food isn't that it has too much "meat", the issue with fast food is too many of its calories are from fat. many fast food items have as many grams of fat as grams of protein per serving.

it's not about the meat...especially when people are eating a ton of fried carbohydrates. talk about a double whammy obesity wise.



Not as much as you do collecting my nuggets of wisdom. It's encouraging to see that you CAN learn and put what you learn into practice. My efforts were not in vain.

However, I asked the question because it was obvious you didn't know why poor people are fatties, and I wanted to, once again, revel in your haughty ignorance.



I wanted to see if you knew that one big reason for poor folks' obesity was because they eat too much fast food.

Most fast food is MEAT.

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