Category Archives: Immigration


John McCain on MSNBC: ‘Literally Am Pleading’ with President Not to Act on Immigration – 11/6/14

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White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough on MSNBC: Obama Sees Amnesty as ‘Catalyst’ for Congressional Action – 11/6/14

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Josh Earnest: “We’d like to see” the House pass the Senate Amnesty bill – 11/6/14

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Obama to Congress: Send me an immigration bill to sign or else I will act on my own – 11/5/14

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President Obama Press Conference: Promises Executive Amnesty; Suggests Lame Duck Immigration Vote – 11/5/14

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Mitch McConnell Warns Obama on Amnesty: ‘Like Waving a Red Flag in Front of a Bull’ – 11/5/14

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Chuck Todd: GOP Sweep ‘Put an End’ to Executive Amnesty

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Congressman Luis Gutierrez: If Obama Caves on Amnesty After Election, ‘Why Don’t We All Become Republicans?’

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