One Hour More

Listened to the show Saturday and it was not bad. It’s been a week of high winds and cold air and leaves blowing about. I think we’ve eaten three or four bags of Halloween candy and I’m on my way out to stock up for the evening’s parade of sweet children all dressed up and their parents, too. I got ... Read More

Feelings Without Words

Listened to the show Saturday and it was not bad.  It was a welcome two hours of not much but listening (and baking pumpkin cookies) after two days of watching, with her sister on the first day and her future mother-in-law on the second, our oldest daughter try on wedding dress after wedding dress. ... Read More

The Gifts They Share

Listened to the show Saturday and it was not bad. Spent the afternoon doing the fall version of spring cleaning — sweeping the cottonwood tufts from the garage, putting away the lawn furniture, washing windows, trimming a few shrubs — and helped Mr. Sundberg take down a dead tree or two out in the ... Read More

How Life is Supposed to Be

Listened to the show Saturday and it was not bad.  Had to turn it up a bit, though, so I could hear it despite the somewhat insane amount of coughing going on most of the evening. My own coughing. So much coughing, in fact, that I was a bit concerned for the state of my insides. You’d think ... Read More

More Than Words

Listened to the show Saturday and it was not bad.  My favorite time of year, and there’s not much better than an evening cookin’ and bakin’ with the show on in the background, a few windows open, a candle burning on the counter, and the leaves turning on the maple outside the window.   And then ... Read More

Take a Little Time

Listed to the show Saturday and it was not bad.   I was in Decorah and had a bookstore to visit so I missed the tail end of the show, which I caught later, online, and it was lovely.  Felt like home away from home, and later that evening a friend of mine called, a dear woman in her early sixties ... Read More

The Calm of It All

Listened to the show Saturday and it was not bad.  It was wonderful, really, when you figure in the weather, which has been just right, and the neighbor children laughing outside, and the first leaves of autumn turning out there on the maple, and how lovely the red of apples piled high in the big ... Read More

One Fine Time

Well, autumn is here, and that means back-to-school for some, and harvest time for others. It’s the season of gathering and turning, season of golden light and shorter days and thoughts of things cinnamon. Seems time, to me, to do a bit of gathering and turning of our own, and what better reason ... Read More

Not a Sad Thing, Summer’s End

Listened to the show Saturday and it was not bad.   It was a broadcast recorded at the State Fair the night before, and it was, and has been, a fine way to take leave of the carefree days of summer.  It’s not a sad thing, summer’s end.  But there’s a wistfulness there, the bitter sweetness of having ... Read More