North Carolina officials host closed meeting on oil drilling

Among those in attendance will be top officials from the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, which regulates drilling operations and handles the sale and lease of off-shore drilling rights in federal waters.  More »

Court reaffirms BP is liable in Gulf oil spill

BP is facing $18 billion in penalties stemming from the 2010 oil spill.  More »

Fracking ban passes in 2 of 3 California counties

Only voters in Santa Barbara County said “No” to a prohibition on the drilling technique.  More »

Dominion asks feds to begin project review

The Richmond, Virginia-based energy provider says it took the necessary first step Tuesday in the extensive Federal Energy Regulatory Commission review process.  More »

Denton voters pass fracking ban

The vote made Denton, which sits atop a large natural gas reserve, the first city in Texas to pass such a ban. It sets up a legal showdown between the city and industry groups that have warned the ban could be followed by lawsuits and a severe hit to Denton’s economy.  More »

Houston company’s fracking plans near W.Va. chemical plant on hold

A full hearing on the matter is scheduled for Nov. 12.  More »

Cuomo: Hydraulic fracturing is ‘divisive’ issue

But the governor continued to say he will let scientists decide on the drilling practice.  More »

Low oil prices send chills through oil patch

Lower oil prices, while good for the broader U.S. economy, are a threat to what has been a surprising and dramatic surge in oil production in the U.S.  More »

Sunoco spill revised up to 189,000 gallons

The number of oil spilled is up 21,000 gallons from initial estimates.  More »

Pennsylvania’s gas lines will take decades to replace, cost billions

“The utilities, for some time, they forgot about these pipes. They thought they’d last forever,” said Mohammad Najafi, an engineer at the University of Texas at Austin.  More »

3 California counties voting on fracking bans

Chevron, ExxonMobil and other oil companies have donated about $7 million to try to defeat the fracking bans in Santa Barbara, San Benito and Monterey counties.  More »

Dominion asks feds to begin review of pipeline

The 550-mile Atlantic Coast Pipeline that would run through West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina is a joint venture between Dominion, Duke Energy, Piedmont Natural Gas and AGL Resources.  More »
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