Tag: BP

Court reaffirms BP is liable in Gulf oil spill

BP is facing $18 billion in penalties stemming from the 2010 oil spill.  More »

Commentary: Is the Deepwater Horizon movie a good idea?

The movie based on the BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster starring Mark Wahlberg is set for release Sept. 30, 2016.  More »

Low oil prices send chills through oil patch

Lower oil prices, while good for the broader U.S. economy, are a threat to what has been a surprising and dramatic surge in oil production in the U.S.  More »

BP CFO: $70 oil would threaten Big Oil projects

The Big Oil industry’s prized projects won’t face major cuts unless oil prices fall below $70 a barrel, BP’s chief financial officer told investors on Tuesday.  More »

Key testimony in BP oil spill ruling wasn’t excluded, DOJ says

That evidence played prominently in the judge’s finding that BP, owner of the Macondo well, was grossly negligent, a ruling that raises the stakes for the oil major  More »

Chevron, BP make oil discovery in Gulf of Mexico

Chevron and BP report an oil discovery in one of the deepest regions the industry has taken on in the Gulf of Mexico.  More »

BP, GDF Suez discover new field in UK North Sea

The UK North Sea is an area that BP CEO Bob Dudley said last month “is now mature,” and that investment opportunities “are smaller and more challenging to develop than in the past.”  More »

Oil firms reach for subsea standards to cut costs, FMC CEO says

The next generation of tools designed to help energy companies process oil and gas deep under the oceans could follow uniform industry designs, FMC Technologies CEO John Gremp said.  More »

Supreme Court denies Louisiana lawsuits against BP

The Supreme Court rejected an appeal Monday from 11 Louisiana parishes that wanted to revive their lawsuits over wildlife damage from the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.  More »

Oil spill claims boss rebuts BP’s bid to remove him

The Louisiana lawyer in charge of dispensing BP’s oil spill settlement responded to the company’s request to remove him from the post, saying BP knew when he was appointed that he previously had represented the state in spill claims.  More »

BP: $256 billion lawsuit against it should stay dead

BP says a recently unearthed government report has no bearing on whether a judge should retry a $256 billion lawsuit over safety compliance issues at one of its deep-water production platforms in the Gulf of Mexico.  More »

Ethanol companies raided in EU benchmarks antitrust case

The European Union rekindled a probe into possible rigging of fuel-price benchmarks, raiding ethanol companies in the bloc 17 months after officials inspected three oil producers and industry publisher Platts.  More »
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