Cruz’s speechwriter promoted

Ted Cruz is pictured. | Getty

Former communications director Sean Rushton is now a senior policy adviser. | Getty

The fiery mind behind Ted Cruz’s blistering speeches just got a promotion.

Amanda Carpenter, previously the Texas senator’s speechwriter, has been elevated to communications director in the freshman firebrand’s office. Former communications director Sean Rushton is now a senior policy adviser, working on economic policy.

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An alum of former conservative Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) and several conservative media outlets, Carpenter is one of the most visible congressional presences in today’s political trench warfare on Twitter. She has more than 53,000 followers and has not shied away from the GOP’s internecine battles, aggressively promoting Cruz’s push to defund Obamacare last year that divided Republicans.

“Since the first day he arrived in office, Senator Cruz has never hesitated to tackle our most important issues,” Carpenter said in an email. “It’s thrilling to work for such an exciting senator who has proved conservatives can, and will win when they are willing to make the argument.”

Carpenter’s promotion, which she first announced on Twitter, follows a series of shifts in Cruz’s personal and political offices. His campaign operation has beefed up considerably and Cruz’s former chief of staff Chip Roy is now playing a larger political role as Cruz mulls a run for president.

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