Is Your Energy Bill Too High?

Have you ever wondered what state has the lowest utility bills? A recent study conducted by contrasting energy costs through state-by-state consumption rates unearthed the answer.

Overall, averaged across three energy categories – electricity, natural gas, and vehicle fuel – Colorado spends the least – per capita – at $301 per month.

Following Colorado are Washington, Montana, Rhode Island, and Nebraska.

Alternatively, states with the highest energy bills are Hawaii, Mississippi, Connecticut, Georgia, and Oklahoma. Ranking first, energy bills in Hawaii average $451 a month, stemming from transportation complications. Despite low consumption, Hawaii has the most expensive gasoline, natural gas, and electricity rates in the county.

While the study was extensive, keep in mind the vast differing variables from state to state, making definitive conclusions problematic. For example, the District of Columbia has the second lowest gasoline expenses in the country, a direct result of burgeoning population and extensive mass transit systems.

Assuming energy prices have a direct correlation to climate extremes had incongruities. For instance, residents of Florida and Arizona have extremely high natural gas prices yet consume minimal quantities. The issue lies not in high heating costs, but in the lack of necessary infrastructure to deliver the gas to homes, exposing a hidden cost of energy.

Overall, the study shows energy prices – like so many other costs in life – are a combination of diverse dynamisms – the cost of the product, infrastructure capacity, consumer habits, and transportation prices. As we enter into winter, with energy price spikes, let us keep in mind the complexity of our energy grid, to develop new innovative ways to keep our homes warm, across our Nation.