Letter to the Canadian Embassy Regarding the El Salvador v. Pacific Rim Mining Corp.

Letter to the Canadian Embassy Regarding the El Salvador v. Pacific Rim Mining Corp.

PUBLICATION DATE: November 12, 2012

AUTHOR: Earthworks et. al.

Reputational Risks, Regulatory Challenges and Legal Uncertainties

Reputational Risks, Regulatory Challenges and Legal Uncertainties

PUBLICATION DATE: October 29, 2009

AUTHOR: Steve Herz, Bonnie Gestring

SUMMARY: Anglo American's Pebble Mine Investor Advisory



PUBLICATION DATE: September 4, 2009

Undermining Communities and the Environment

Undermining Communities and the Environment

PUBLICATION DATE: September 4, 2007

AUTHOR: Bank Information Center, Center for Science in Public Participation, EARTHWORKS, Oxfam Intl, WWF

Newmont 2007 Annual General Meeting Backgrounder

Newmont 2007 Annual General Meeting Backgrounder

PUBLICATION DATE: April 22, 2007

AUTHOR: Radhika Sarin

Foreign Ownership of U.S. Gold Mines

Foreign Ownership of U.S. Gold Mines

PUBLICATION DATE: February 21, 2007

AUTHOR: Alan Septoff

Tarnished Gold

Tarnished Gold

PUBLICATION DATE: September 18, 2006

AUTHOR: Radhika Sarin, Nikki Reisch, Jennifer Kalafut, Keith Slack

Canadian Mining Companies: Costing U.S. Taxpayers and the Environment

Canadian Mining Companies: Costing U.S. Taxpayers and the Environment

PUBLICATION DATE: September 5, 2006

AUTHOR: Bonnie Gestring

Evaluating Risk

Evaluating Risk

PUBLICATION DATE: November 1, 2002

AUTHOR: Alburnus Maior, CEE Bankwatch Network, Mineral Policy Center

On Twitter

@noahbrenner And fracking money or nothing is a false choice.
@noahbrenner @Patrick_Madden I realize that's a joke, but #oilandgas industry PR so framed in false choices that it's not funny. #fracking

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