UPDATE: Ebola Has Landed in Dallas

Centers for Disease Control
Transmission electron micrograph of the Ebola virus
UPDATE, 3:44 p.m.: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that a patient at Dallas' Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital is the first case of Ebola confirmed in the United States.

UPDATE, 5:13 p.m.: At a news conference in Atlanta, CDC Director Tom Frieden said federal, local and state health officials will contain any threat that Ebola will spread further locally. "I have no doubt we'll stop this in it's tracks in the U.S.," he said. Doctors' first concern is treating the patient, who traveled from Liberia September 19-20, but didn't start developing symptoms until the 24th.

Ebola patients are not infectious until they show symptoms, and Frieden downplayed any worries that the patient might have infected anyone on board his flight to the United States, where he was visiting family members.

Public health care workers with the CDC and in Texas have already begun the process of identifying anyone who might have come in contact with the man, who is in intensive care. Friedan said the number of potential contacts during the period the man became infectious is likely to be small -- a handful of family members and one to three others. Those who came in contact with the patient after he likely became infectious will be monitored for 21 days.

Patient privacy laws prevent authorities releasing the man's name or any information that might identify him.

ORIGINAL POST: Dallas County Health and Human Services gave an update Tuesday morning on the status of a patient potentially infected with Ebola currently being cared for in isolation at Dallas' Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital and the county's' preparation in the event an Ebola case is confirmed. No details have been given about the patient, other than that he or she is being kept in "strict isolation" and was admitted based on symptoms and "travel history."

"This is not Africa," DCHHS Director Zach Thompson said. "We have a great public health infrastructure to deal with this type of disease."

Christopher Perkins, the medical director for county health services, made it clear the risk for outbreak is low because Ebola cannot be spread through the air. Ebola can only be spread through contact with blood or bodily fluids.

Two men who visited West Africa, the epicenter of this year's Ebola outbreak, warned the commissioners about the effects of the disease and urged Dallas County to send whatever help it could in order to stem Ebola where it's most prevalent.

After leaving the commissioner's court meeting to participate in conference call with the Centers for Disease Control, Texas Health Presbyterian and state health officials, Thompson and Perkins returned with an update.

The potential Ebola patient's test results are not in yet, but are expected later Tuesday afternoon or Tuesday evening. CDC personnel are on their way to Dallas in case either of the two samples from the patient being screened are positive for Ebola. If the test was to come back positive, the CDC would lead any actions necessary, with the county providing support, Thompson said.


My Voice Nation Help

“Wow… this is unsettling beyond belief. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m preparing myself and my family for the worst. I suggest you do the same.



“I don’t know about you guys, but I’m not going to sit around waiting for the inevitable to happen. I suggest we all prepare ourselves (and our families) for the worst. I know I am.


noblefurrtexas topcommenter

Thomas E. Duncan, the Ebola patient reportedly ill AFTER his flight, is black and appears to be African.

The public health handling of this fiasco has NOT been adequate, and preventive measures have not been taken in sufficient numbers to assure this doesn't become a pandemic. 

This guy was not candid with anyone about having been exposed to an Ebola patient in Liberia who died! 

He was apparently hiding his exposure to Ebola from airport officials in two countres, flight crews, and even people here in Dallas. 

He makes Typhoid Mary look like a piker.


I know that many infectious disease experts on TV, including the director from the CDC, have been downplaying the scenario where someone infected with the ebola virus can transmit the disease on airplanes because they would be far too sick to travel, but Patrick Sawyer proved them all wrong when he infected at least 20 people by traveling by plane from Monrovia, Liberia to Lagos, Nigeria.

It’s very desperate in Liberia, Sierre Leone, and Guinea. So much so that they are being turned away from hospitals because they are overrun with ebola patients. Is it that unlikely that a sick person from the hot zone will hop on a plane to go anywhere with better a medical system as Patick Sawyer did for treatment? I'm not entirely convinced that Thomas Duncan was not ill on the plane from Liberia.


OK, I just heard from a CDC Doctor telling Anderson Cooper on CNN that anyone that leaves Liberia will be and has been tested for Ebola/fever. He continues to say at that point its impossible for Ebola to spread on an airplane, only if the person exhibits  symptoms prior to boarding his or her flight,   So, I guest someone that leaves Liberia can not break out with a fever  during the flight?.


I have several concerns which I would like to discuss in this forum.

1). The nurse at the hospital where Duncan was first admitted (September 20th 2014) asked where he was from, but did not inform the treating physician, correct? Forgive my ignorance, but since EVERYONE in the medical community has heard of and where it is believed Ebola originates, AND, since the patient is from Liberia, I presume he has an accent, correct? Then why didn't the treating physician detect this and use proper protocol for those who are from Ebola identifying countries?

2). Duncan was given ANTIBIOTICS for what was thought to be a viral infection (influenza?). ANTIBIOTICS are not for viruses, but rather, bacteria, correct? 

3). One question/answer that I have yet to hear about this case is: did Duncan have unprotected sex with anyone during/after his travelling from Liberia to the USA. If during the travelling, did the person/persons also travel to the USA?

4). Mutations can occur (and often do) with viruses. Sometimes, the mutations are weak, sometimes they are more virulent.  

At this point, I am concerned, but not panicked. However, I am taking precautionary measures to protect myself with alternative therapies....not cures....don't know for sure if they will work, but I will be proactive and not reactive. 

Wishing sustained great health to all.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

Good thing that Ebola isn't spread by konservatard ignorance, hatred and bigotry, or Texas would be wiped out in days.


This is bigger than Benghazi & fake birth certificate combined. Obama created Ebola and sent it directly to Dallas.   This would have never happened under the leadership of a Rick Perry or John McCain.   No doubt the gays are in on this as will soon be confirmed by Pat Robertson. 

It clearly has a connection to Obamacare as well as Michelle's so called plan for people to "exercise" (more like EXORCISE SATAN).   We can all get through this together as long as we continue to bash Obama not just for Ebola and border patrol but for weak margaritas from Uncle Julio's  and that pothole on Lemon and NW Highway and the long lines at Walgren's (thanks to open carry that was no prob).








Noblefurr is a scaremongering lie spreading infestation to this thread.  please do not take anything this bitch says as truth.  Thanks

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

UPDATE:  Dallas County, Texas Public Health, and CDC are having joint news conference.  They are saying the infected patient had contact with several school-aged children.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

CBS 11 is speculating that the Ebola victim flew in on Brussels Airlines, which had been the only airline flying out of Liberia on the day he departed, but I did a sample booking, and there are no longer flights available out of Liberia on Brussels Airlines. 

noblefurrtexas topcommenter


DALLAS — Health officials are closely monitoring a possible second Ebola patient who had close contact with the first person to be diagnosed in the U.S., the director of Dallas County's health department said Wednesday. 

Source:  USA Today

TheRuddSki topcommenter

We are being lied to, people.

The authorities claim that Ebola is not transmissible by air.

Bullshit! The infected guy FLEW IN to Dallas!

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Hysterics.  What movie is this from?

"Why are they doing this? Why are they doing this? They said when you got here the whole thing started. Who are you? What are you? Where did you come from? I think you're the cause of all of this. I think you're evil. EVIL!"


In the executive halls of Texas Health they are quietly thrilled to death that the first patient is at their hospital  If they cure him, and it doesn't spread, there is no value you can put on that PR.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@sbristow15 I just saw the director of the CDC on a TV interview.  He's more incompetent than I heard from others.  He's an Obama-forced hire in the position of Director, and is an apologist for CDC bumbling as well as the Administration. 

He also won't answer media questions about surface contamination.  But, experts on the disease say that it can live for almost a week under perfect circumstances, and for days in less than perfect circumstances. 

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@sbristow15 The current estimate of those potentially infected is over 100.  If only 25% of those exposed develop the disease, that's the making of a pandemic in an urban area, which is a disaster. 

I am stunned a hospital let this guy go home, and didn't pass along the word that he was in Liberia. 

We're surrounded by morons.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@415rich Effective screening also includes questions and honest, correct answers.  For this, the quarantine people need to profile each passenger as well as testing for symptoms. 

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@DonkeyHotay Color and national origin are of public health concern, and certainly not bigoted.  With many lives at stake, this is no time for political correctness.  In fact, "profiling" is a major and effective tool of public health officials in a crisis. 

It is important to release his name, information about him, his gender, color, and age, his country of origin, any accents, and where he has been and contacted other people. 

Surely you're bright enough to recognize an emergency when you see one.  If not, know that THIS is an emergency. 

Even worse, the Dallas County Health Director, Zachery Thompson, failed to quarantine the people who lived with the patient while the disease was getting worse.  They apparently didn't comply with a voluntary request not to leave the apartment - a filthy place where too many adults and children live - but a perfect environment for a pandemic to start. 

The failure to enforce a court-ordered quarantine on these people may be the biggest screwup of Zachery Thompson's life, and may very well cause many others to to lose theirs. 

The original estimate of of 18 possible contacts was absurd.  The number is over 100, and some children who had immediate contact with the patient, went to school anyway because they have ignorant parents or guardians. 

So you can shelve the "bigot" concern for now, and try to get a clue that this is a very real and very ugly series of screwups that could kill untold numbers of people. 

Nobody with any sense gives a damn when multiple lives are at risk!

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@JackJett "This is bigger than Benghazi & fake birth certificate combined."

So it's bigger than zero?


DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@noblefurrtexas .... now's a good time for the U$A to allow Texas to secede from the union.

Secure the Texas borders!!

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Despite media reports about a possible second Ebola case, Dallas county officials said Wednesday that the only known occurence of the deadly virus at this time was the man who had recently traveled from West Africa who is now hospitalized.

Dallas County Health and Human Services spokeswoman Erikka Neroes said Wednesday morning there were “not other confirmed cases at this time.”

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2014/10/01/6165611/officials-say-only-one-ebola-case.html?rh=1#storylink=cpy

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki It actually IS transmissible by air once the symptoms are active.  A patient can sneeze or have a wet cough, and infect others as well as contaminate surfaces like walls, sinks, toilets, etc.



HAHAHAHA....You forgot the "SLAPPPP!!!"".....of course, Alfred Hitchcock's THE BIRDS....

TheRuddSki topcommenter


That's an excerpt of Harry Reid anti-KOCH brothers speech #347.

Pay no mind, he's senile.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@noblefurrtexas " Color and national origin are of public health concern, and certainly not bigoted."

There's one for permanent placement into the Archive of Shame.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@DonkeyHotay @noblefurrtexas One normally has to go trailer park to find this kind of class.  I have no doubt you and Obama would love to see a major public health pandemic wipe out those who disagree with you politically. But, at this point, the victims seem to be low income, low information, low intelligence, and low ethics people;  in other words, most likely Democrats.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz Dallas County Health officials, and its questionably competent director, Zachery Thompson, were obviously very, very wrong.

To order a voluntary quarantine instead of a court-ordered quarantine, was a major mistake.  Perhaps he did it because of the race of the potential victims, or he was just too timid/ignorant to be effective.

I was at Presbyterian Hospital yesterday, and worldwide media have set up a media village outside of the Emergency Room.  So, at least there are some people bright enough to recognize a crisis when they see one. 


noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz Operative word is "confirmed"  Welcome to ObamaSpeak. 

Since the CDC and DCPHS won't tell us where the man was, what all he did, and where he may have exposed people since the virus was active and he was dangerous, we have no way of knowing if we are in jeopardy or not.  ObamaSCare strikes again.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I'm concerned about mosquito transmission. Dallas could be the epicenter of West Nilebola.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@sbristow15 @noblefurrtexas Sure.  I realize Texas has the 12th largest economy in the world, created the most jobs while Obama was creating unemployed at record rates, is the number one state people want to move to, and affords the lowest taxes and highest values of any state. 

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@DonkeyHotay @noblefurrtexas You may not like it, but it's true. 

Oh...by the way.....your boy in the White House scrapped CDC quarantine regulations in 2010 that would have kept the Ebola patient out of the U.S.....not to mention the trespassing illegals bringing disease into our country. 

In 2010, Obama administration scrapped CDC quarantine regulations


noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@Chattering_Monkey @DonkeyHotay @JackJett There is nothing funny about this.  We are on the edge of a huge public health crisis, mostly because of incompetence at several levels - including the Dallas County Health Director. 

Ebola makes AIDS look like a walk in the park by comparison.  This is spread by casual contact with someone who has the disease or contact within hours of surfaces they have contaminated from floors to walls to telephones to tables to bedding and discards such as toilet paper and tissues. 

If JackJett thinks this is funny, he has less sense than I thought he had.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@noblefurrtexas "I have no doubt you and Obama would love to see a major public health pandemic wipe out those who disagree with you politically. "

Can't speak for the POTUS, but it's far more than a political disagreement, Rethuglykkkans are the Scum of the Earth, and Society -- Humanity at large -- would benefit from their total eradication, much like the eradication of Polio.


TheRuddSki topcommenter


As long as we're gigging the prez...

“We’ve gotta get the job done there. And, that requires us to have enough troops that we’re not just air-raiding villages and killing civilians which is causing enormous problems there.” --- Barack Obama 2007

"The White House has acknowledged for the first time that strict standards President Obama imposed last year to prevent civilian deaths from U.S. drone strikes will not apply to U.S. military operations in Syria and Iraq." --- Yahoo news, 2014

"every statement the man makes has an expiration date" --- Everyone

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki You could hardly blame the mosquitoes after all the Raid and stuff we've sprayed at them. 

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@Threeboys You ARE an idiot.  The hospital originally released him with antibiotics.  They have some explaining to do.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki He is beyond pathetic and incompetent.  He is our most dishonest president in history.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz @Threeboys You can say that again...but don't.  :)

Most doctors in Dallas have no clue about Ebola, and most hospitals don't know how to treat it or have negative air pressure quarantine rooms and areas.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@DonkeyHotay @noblefurrtexas It's absolutely true. 

Obma, incompetent goofball that he is, fired the current CDC Director who was an expert in communicable diseases, and he appointed a replacement who was a stooge and Democrat activist doctor.  He also has a brother who is an activist and very liberal Democrat. 

When we're talking public health crisis and quarantine procedures, there's no such thing as bigotry. 

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