Thomas Eric Duncan, First Person to Develop Ebola in the U.S., Dies

Categories: Healthcare

Fort Worth Star-Telegram via Twitter
Thomas Eric Duncan
Thomas Eric Duncan, the Liberian national being treated for Ebola at Dallas' Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital died this morning at 7:51 a.m..

Presbyterian issued the following statement:

"It is with profound sadness and heartfelt disappointment that we must inform you of the death of Thomas Eric Duncan this morning at 7:51 a.m. Mr. Duncan succumbed to an insidious disease, Ebola. He fought courageously in this battle. Our professionals, the doctors and nurses in the unit, as well as the entire Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas community, are also grieving his passing. We have offered the family our support and condolences at this difficult time."

Duncan was the first person to be diagnosed with Ebola in the United States. After helping a neighbor who would later die from Ebola to and from the hospital in Liberia, Duncan traveled to Dallas on September 20. After developing a fever, he was treated and released by Presbyterian before returning to the hospital on September 28. He was diagnosed with Ebola the afternoon of September 30.

According to reports, Duncan came to Dallas to be marry his fiancee and reunite with his teenage son.

"This hurts deeply. We were hoping this was not going to happen," Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, said, before affirming his faith in Dallas' medical community.

"I remain confident in the abilities of our medical professionals," he said.

Update 11:56 a.m.: Louise Troh, Duncan's fiance, has released a statement:

"This morning we received news that Eric passed away. His suffering is over. My family is in deep sadness and grief, but we leave him in the hands of God. Our deepest sympathies go out to his father and family in Liberia and here in America. Eric was a wonderful man and showed compassion toward all.

I want to thank the Dallas Community, the church and the Liberian community; and, in particular, County Judge Jenkins; Mayor Rawlings; my pastor, George Mason; Saymendy Lloyd; Stanley Gay; and Alben Bush for all the love and support they have shown me and my family during this ordeal. Without their help, I can't imagine how we could have endured.

I trust a thorough examination will take place regarding all aspects of his care. I am now dealing with the sorrow and anger that his son was not able to see him before he died. This will take some time, but in the end, I believe in a merciful God.

I hope that you will keep my family in your prayers. This has dramatically changed our lives, and we will be grieving for a long time. may Eric rest in peace."


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DonkeyHotay topcommenter

Estimates of Deaths Associated with Seasonal Influenza --- United States, 1976--2007

This report summarizes the results of these analyses, which found that, during 1976--2007, estimates of annual influenza-associated deaths from respiratory and circulatory causes (including pneumonia and influenza causes) ranged from 3,349 in 1986-87 to 48,614 in 2003-04

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

Thank GOD this is happening in Texas.

TheRuddSki topcommenter

The folks claiming he knew he was infected might wonder why he came here to be cured of a disease he knew he had, but for some reason didn't bother telling doctors he might be infected when he had the opportunity.


They just broke in on the television program I was watching and they are showing an ambulance driving down the highway (south on tollway) and they are saying the person inside is showing signs and symptoms of Ebola.   Patient had contact with Duncan.

Channel 4

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

Great, now we have someone in Frisco "Showing" signs of Ebola claiming to have had contact with Duncan.  Someone has to keep the fear mongering going


This just out:

The U.S. will be taking temperatures at 5 major airports.


More D.O. headline fail.

Thomas Eric Duncan, First Person to Develop Ebola in the U.S., Dies

Montemalone topcommenter

What happened to the cure? Why didn't he get it?

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Sad for the family.  But, sorry.  Not much sympathy for an Ebola-carrier who knew he was exposing them. 


@DonkeyHotay um... idiot? Si!

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@TheRuddSki If you knew you had it, wouldn't you walk in to the ER and say, Im from Liberia and I have Ebola.  Pretty sure that would have gotten him admitted pretty quickly



(insert rectal thermometer joke here, and yes, that's a double joke)

TheRuddSki topcommenter



noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@riconnel8 Be careful about copying anything from AP.  They have lawyers with nothing better to do and patrol the Internet looking for copyright violations. 

Remember, the AP is a wire service that sells their news to other news outlets. 

You CAN paraphrse the topic, and post the URL.  (You can't copyright a URL.)



ZMAPP is grown using tobacco leaves, not a fast process. Also, it is still considered as experimental.


The only "cure" available was experimental and he was the first patient to use it. There is no more ZMap, which may or may not have been a cure.


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz I don't get it. He "knew" he had it, and came here solely for medical treatment....yet he didn't bother to tell the health professionals at Presby that he probably had Ebola? And when they discharged him, he just shrugged his shoulders and said "cool" despite "knowing" he had an incredibly painful and horrible disease he was probably spreading to his family? Seems like if that's what he was doing, he'd have made a better case for his treatment at the hospital. 

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Not much sympathy for an Ebola-carrier who knew he was exposing them.

The man must have really disliked his family, and when he went to the hospital the first time, he cleverly hid the nature of his illness so he could die.

It all makes sense, somehow.


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz  You are making the assumption that he knew and you have no proof of that unless you can read minds. Not even the doctors who saw him first knew. I just have a hard time believing that this man who showed compassion towards his neighbor would be so callous as to expose his own family.  I feel compassion towards him and his family.  What a horrible ordeal they've been through.  I wish you well

mavdog topcommenter


Not much sympathy for an Ebola-carrier who knew he was exposing them.

and you know this to be true how?

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@ScottsMerkin  He gambled.  He gambled with the lives of his relatives.  He was surrounded by a raging epidemic in Liberia, and had had close contact with people dying of Ebola.  Use common sense, Scott.  He at least knew that he might very well be carrying the virus.  He gambled.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@riconnel8 I have no doubt this person is's what are they sick with.  And Im fairly certain that from this point forward, instead of exhibiting flu like symptoms, everyone will have Ebola like symptoms.

Montemalone topcommenter

@LionelHutz It worked for the missionary doc that got it.

They oughtta be running the factory 24/7 to crank out more, especially since this epidemic is now World Class.


Gotta admit about his admission about helping the stricken daughter of his landlord, that's pretty conclusive that he knew the score. As I posted a few days ago, this wasn't some stone-age bushman, this was a knowledgeable city guy, right in the middle of the outbreak. This was not a long-planned trip to marry his fiance. Rather, he found more than a year's salary all at once to buy an expensively immediate, one-way ticket.

Of course I understand he made a choice to try to live, in the better U.S. health care system. May we never be faced with such a choice. But that choice was selfish and may/probably will be the direct cause of more deaths. 

TheRuddSki topcommenter


From the Daily Mail

"He is accused of lying to airport screeners about his contact with Ebola patients, though his family and friends say he had no idea he had been infected."

There you have it!

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@mavdog  A man who carried a gravely ill woman to an Ebola Center in Liberia didn't know he was exposed to the virus?  Please.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz if he knew he "might" why did he say nothing.  I know I know, Obama brought him over to create a terrorist attack on us so we can now go war with Africa right?


@ScottsMerkin you're right, it could be fear.  Unfortunately, if I had had contact with him I would be afraid, too.  It will be a good thing if this turns out to be a false alarm.  

I'm wondering if whatever hospital they take this person to will turn him/her away.  That was sarcasm btw

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@Montemalone They don't know if it's a cure.  It takes several double-blind experiments to make that determination. 

Because some people heal on their own, and respond well to symptomatic treatments, whether a drug healed one person is highly speculative.  And, nobody knows what the side effects or drug conflicts may be involved.

mavdog topcommenter


I don't know if he knew his potential for infection or not. yes he did live in the city, but he was also just a driver. don't know his level of education but it is reasonable to assume that it was basic achievement.

the problem in Africa is many people don't understand the problem and how to prevent its spread. so did Duncan understand or didn't he?

my point is we don't know, and we can't say he was aware he was infected when he made the trip to America.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@TheRuddSki Now we know the universe is in disarray.  YOU are supporting or defending MYRNA's comments.

This Ebola is insidious indeed.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


From your happiness over ebola, we can only assume that you'd be one of the people purposefully spreading the flu in Texas.

Dan Savage Syndrome.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

They're taking the patient to Presby. (not sarcasm)

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@RTGolden1  No, he isn't supporting Myrna.  He's ridiculing the Daily Mail and suggesting that that's where I got my information.  Now, Earth can resume spinning once again.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


So one would think until the word "accused" pops up, suggesting the Daily Mail interviewed Myrna.


@ScottsMerkin @Myrna.Minkoff-Katz

At the risk of trailing in Mryna's thread, I'll say (1) you're right, no legal or even journalistic-level proof that he knew he had Ebola. (2) See my below about being a knowledgeable city guy, directly contacting people he knew to have Ebola, then finding more than a year's pay to buy an immediate, one-way ticket to the U.S.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@TheRuddSki ... Ebola is one of God's precious creatures too.

Why do you hate God?

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz @riconnel8 It's transmitted by ANY bodily fluids, and can live on surfaces like door handles and walls for at least hours, and in perfect circumstances, longer.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@wcvemail @ScottsMerkin @Myrna.Minkoff-Katz He was asked at the airport if he had had any contact with an Ebola patient.  He lied.  That violated both Liberian law and American law. 

In fact, Liberia was looking into prosecuting him, as were prosecutors in the United States.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@DonkeyHotay @TheRuddSki You've got to lay off the Muscatel and weed specials at the soup kitchen.

If you knew Jack about the Bible, you'd know that Ebola most closely ressembles a "plague", which was a form of punishment by God. 

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@DonkeyHotay @noblefurrtexas It's lucky I'm not a filthy Muslim or a terrorist.  I expect I'd really be in trouble. 

I try to make a habit of NOT making God angry.  I've read TheBook, and know how bad it can be. But, I also know how it turns out.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter


Everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.

--2 Chronicles 15:13 

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@DonkeyHotay @noblefurrtexas I'm not going to suggest that this is taken out of context, and not faithful in its translation, but I know you wouldn't do such a thing. 

But, it is.  :)

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@noblefurrtexas ... please provide the "context" for killing every man or woman who does not worship the God of Israel.

Be specific, and show your work.

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