Josh Fox

Josh Fox is the founder and producing artistic director of the International WOW Company. Josh has written/directed/produced two feature films and more than twenty five full length works for the stage which have premiered in New York, Asia and Europe.

GASLAND, which Josh wrote, directed and shot, is a film about the largest onshore natural gas drilling campaign in U.S. history which threatens to invade huge areas of the northeastern U.S., including New York city’s watershed. It premiered at theSundance film festival 2010, where it was awarded the 2010 Special Jury Prize for Documentary. In June of 2010, it premiered on HBO to an audience of 3 million homes, was seen by more than 70,000 audience members in its 110 city grassroots tour and has been released by New Video on DVD.  The film was nominated for the Academy Award for best documentary, for four Emmys including best documentary, best directing, best writing and best cinematography,  was  been nominated for best Documentary Screenplay by the WGA, won the  Environmental Media Association Award for best documentary and as a result of Josh’s activism and campaigning on the issue of gas drilling Josh was awarded the 2010 Lennon Ono Grant for Peace by Yoko Ono in a ceremony on John Lennon’s 70th birthday in Reykjavik Iceland this October. As a national spokesman on the issues of the contamination resulting from fossil fuel extraction, Josh has appeared on the Daily Show, The Keith Olbermannshow, PBS Now, CNN, Democracy Now, MSNBC, CBS and NBC Nightly News as well as numerous other TV and radio appearances.


| September 10, 2014
I have to write you a very deeply personal letter right now and I hope it is met with an open mind. I have a secret to confess...

| August 26, 2014
And right now, by rejecting fracking, by pioneering a real renewable energy economy...

| July 9, 2013
We thus respectfully request a meeting with you. More specifically, I wish to introduce you to members of seven families from disparate regions across the nation who have all had...

| July 2, 2013
"I won’t sit by and watch our democracy burn. On Monday, July 8 at 9 p.m. EST on HBO, I’m going to get the right message out and I hope...

| June 25, 2013
However, all the good that President Obama will do with his reductions in CO2 from power plants will be undone by his embrace of fracked gas. It is clear that...

| June 25, 2013
Industry’s denial of the dark side of natural gas fracking shouldn’t fool anyone. Thomas Pyle’s claim on this site that there is not one “confirmed case of groundwater contamination” from...
NY GRASS_Albany Flyer_8/27

| August 18, 2012
In Albany on Aug. 27, New Yorkers are mobilizing and coming together for DON'T FRACK NY! and demanding a ban on fracking. New York has the opportunity to serve as...

| June 20, 2012
The Sky Is Pink details the shocking campaign of misinformation perpetuated by the gas industry, their flagrant disregard for the health and safety of the communities they ravage, and......

| March 21, 2012
In a move that has angered hydrofracking opponents, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) did an about-face and reneged on earlier statements that its popular rural housing loans on properties...

| February 16, 2012
The people's media is our system of accountability and transparency and we must continue to practice it......

| February 7, 2012
Gasland was intended to be both a chronicle of the way in which oil and gas companies have used vast sums of money to shield fracking from virtually all federal,...

| November 17, 2011
All of your calls. All of your emails. Your pledges to swarm the aware River Basin Commission (DRBC) in Trenton on Nov. 21. All of your pressure and all of...

| November 15, 2011
So many of us were working incredibly hard to stop the Keystone XL pipeline and we won this round. I got arrested in front of the White House. Almost all...