Items Tagged with 'ruby'


Veresen Sees New Ruby Pipeline Stake as Upside for Jordan Cove LNG

Ruby Pipeline, which carries 1.5 Bcf/d of Rocky Mountain natural gas to western U.S. markets, is gaining Calgary-based Veresen Inc. as a half-partner after Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) agreed Monday to sell its share for $1.425 billion. El Paso Pipeline Partners LP (EBP) would continue to control 50%. Read More

BLM to Reissue Right-of-Way for Ruby Pipeline

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) said it plans to reissue the right-of-way (ROW) for Kinder Morgan Inc.'s Ruby Pipeline after determining through a court-ordered review that the original mitigation measures required to protect wildlife in the project area were "adequate." Read More