The Krakow Congress Center opened Oct. 16. Credit Wojciech Wandzel
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KRAKOW, Poland — Nearly 2,000 guests climbed the white stairs of the new Congress Center on a foggy evening here, their well-dressed figures visible behind a pristine glass facade.

In the auditorium, beams of light ushered in “Here and Now” by the Polish film composer Zbigniew Preisner, an orchestral work written for the occasion.

“A dream has been fulfilled,” the mayor, Jacek Majchrowski, said in a speech marking the center’s opening.

The center’s auditorium, with its terraced seating and capacity of 1,800, may seem commonplace to concertgoers in Western Europe, the United States or Japan. But for many Poles, its opening on Oct. 16 signaled a new era. The building is the latest in a spate of new concert halls that are seen as symbolic of the triumph over the Communist past and of the adoption of modern European values.

“It’s fantastic that what we only dreamed about can come true now,” said the architect Tomasz Konior, who designed a new hall in Katowice. “At last we can be happy about being a part of Europe.”

In September, the city of Szczecin in northwest Poland opened a translucent philharmonic hall. On Oct. 1, the Polish National Radio Symphony moved into Katowice’s 377,000-square-foot hall, where the Vienna Philharmonic and London Symphony Orchestra have already performed. Next September, the city of Wroclaw will open its National Forum of Music, a complex of similar dimensions.

Nearly 80 percent of Poland’s cultural infrastructure was destroyed in World War II, said Monika Smolen, the Culture Ministry’s undersecretary. “For a long time we did not invest so much in culture,” she said by phone from Warsaw. “But things are developing fast. People are more educated and richer.”

With most concert halls in Poland ranging between 600 and 900 seats, local architects are gaining their first experiences with the kind of large-scale spaces that became widespread elsewhere in the late 20th century. While the 395,000-square-foot Krakow Congress Center is modeled roughly on the KKL culture center in Lucerne, Switzerland, its main hall is designed for concerts and conferences, with banners to modify acoustics.

Krakow covered 77 percent of its congress center’s $104 million budget, and the European Commission has underwritten other halls. The European Union has invested $2 billion all told in Poland’s cultural infrastructure from 2007 to 2013, compared with $7.6 billion in the rest of the Union countries, according to Ms. Smolen, reflecting the extent of war destruction in Poland.

The heavy spending on orchestras has not drawn universal praise. The economist Leszek Balcerowicz, sometimes known as the father of capitalist reform in the post-Cold War era, responded to the construction of a new hall in Gorzow Wielkopolski, a city of 125,000 people, by telling a local newspaper that it would be better to use the money to create jobs.

After the halls are built, the question inevitably arises over how — even whether — they can be filled. Officials of the Krakow center say they will rent it out for more than 50 cultural events next year as well as for 150 conferences and congresses. Presenters bring their own sponsors and collect ticket proceeds.

At the least, “It’s quite a big success that this building could be realized,” said the Polish architect Krzysztof Ingarden, of Ingarden & Ewy, which presided over the center with the Japanese firm Arata Isozaki & Associates and the international design firm Arup. “In Italy or Spain, I think it would cost three times more.”

In Katowice, 50 miles northwest of Krakow, the European Union covered half of the $80 million budget for the new home of the National Radio Symphony. The brick structure — surrounded by 415 trees, planted in collaboration with the Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki, who is also an arborist — occupies the site of a former coal mine.

“There is a need,” Mr. Penderecki said. “How can you create an audience without a hall?”

Mr. Konior, the architect, called the new hall a breath of air. “After World War II, everything that is important culturally was denied,” he said. “People can feel that the building is there for them and identify with it.”

The National Radio Symphony formerly played in a 1970s hall built for the region’s Communist Party. “This is a different planet,” the first violinist Rafal Zambrzycki-Payne said of the new performance space in Katowice. The musicians “feel more exposed, so there is more pressure to perform well.”

Mr. Konior joined forces with the acoustician Yasuhisa Toyota of Nagata Acoustics — who helped design the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles and the soon-to-be-unveiled Philharmonie de Paris, among others — at the behest of the Polish pianist Krystian Zimerman, an international soloist.

“Stunning new hall in Katowice!” two players on tour with the London Symphony Orchestra posted on Twitter this month. The London orchestra’s principal percussionist, Neil Percy, wrote in an email that he was struck by “the way shapes sweep dramatically inside the building.” The acoustics “showed great potential for a brand new hall and improved with a full house in the evening,” he added.

The new hall is under a five-year contract with the European Union to put on concerts six nights a week. It has introduced series for chamber music and jazz. The home orchestra, subsidized by the Ministry of Culture, national radio and the city, plays three to four concerts a month, while each season will bring two international orchestras and choruses. Because the ministry allots funds year by year, the European Union funding provides security in the medium term.

Although Katowice has a population of just more than 300,000, it draws on two million others who live nearby. The city is also the seat of an orchestra that has enjoyed close relationships with Mr. Penderecki, Witold Lutoslawski and Henryk Mikolaj Gorecki — Poland’s great modern composers — and there are high hopes to create an international profile.

“We are closer to the world,” Mr. Konior said, “and the world is closer to us.”