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Office of Veterans Affairs

The City of Houston Office of Veterans Affairs’ mission is to assist Houston in becoming the best city in the nation through unparalleled service to our serving military, veterans, and their families.

Assist veterans of the United States Armed Forces to ensure that neither they, their dependents, nor survivors are denied access to the entitlements promised them by a grateful nation.  More ...

Employment Graphic Education Graphic Health Care and Mental Health Graphic Mentoring and Networking Graphic

Why Is Houston Such a Great Place for Veterans to Live?

  1.  Jobs: Houston has a robust economy and companies are looking to hire veterans. The Oil and Gas Industry, the Port of Houston, the Medical Center, IT firms, Auto Sales and Maintenance, Construction, Banking, the Service Industries, Real Estate and the list goes on. Houston is growing and we are looking to hire veterans. Click on the employment logo for more info.
  2. Housing: The American Dream of owning a home can easily be realized in the Houston Area. This dream come true can be realized in both NEW and resale homes at affordable prices. Houston has historically had one of the stronger metropolitan markets in the country, mainly due to lower homes prices. Check out and compare to see for yourself.
  3. Health Care: A Veterans Affairs Regional Hospital with additional clinics in the local area, Tri-Care providers, US Family Health Plan, a world renown Medical Center (that has veteran hiring programs), Private and Public hospitals and clinics galore.
  4. Entertainment/Restaurants: Houston, like the military, is a demographic melting pot of diverse cultures and people. So are our food and our entertainment. If you like to eat it…it’s here. Check out this site: to see what I am talking about.
  5. Patriotism and love of our veterans: We get it. Houston is the second largest provider city for the all volunteer military in America. Over 300,000 veterans call the Greater Houston Area home. We veterans reach out and take care of each other and our community embraces us. And we have lots of connecting services. Just click on the directory in the left hand column to get an idea. Do an internet search of the words “Houston & Veteran” and see what all pops up.         

Returning Veterans Initiative

Since June of 2007, when Harris County and the City of Houston joined together to launch the Returning Veteran Initiative (RVI) in an effort to ease the transition home for the thousands of veterans of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq returning to the Greater Houston Area services have consistently improved for our returning heroes. More ...

Community Partners

Contact the COHOVA

Contact: Carl Salazar
Office of Veterans Affairs
901 Bagby, 4th Floor
Houston, TX 77002
PHONE: 832.393.0992 

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