Tag: crude prices

OPEC’s weak links feeling pain

While the Saudi Arabia is as flush with cash as ever, the finances of some fellow OPEC members are deteriorating quickly.  More »

Enron castaway shrugs off low price to become ‘Apple of Oil’

Investors spooked by the heavy debt carried by most U.S. producers are flocking to companies that generate so-called free cash flow.  More »

Oil rises after inventory report

Oil for December delivery rose $1.49 to settle at $78.68 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.  More »

Petrobras said to win support to raise gasoline prices

Petrobras, which booked $44 billion in operating losses from selling fuel at below-market prices during President Dilma Rousseff’s first term, is set to raise its subsidized refinery gate prices even after crude’s 25 percent plunge this year brought them more into line with international benchmarks.  More »

Saudis recall 1998 showdown in taking on U.S. shale rivals

To win the showdown, the Saudis are trying to bring OPEC’s weaker members in line before the Nov. 27 meeting of the organization.  More »

OPEC oil basket price falls below $80 to least in 4 years

U.S. oil production rose to the highest in at least 31 years amid slowing global demand, helping drive crude into a bear market last month.  More »

EOG profit doubles on low-cost wells even as oil price falls

CEO William Thomas boosted EOG’s growth target for oil even in the face of a market slump  More »

Low oil prices send chills through oil patch

Lower oil prices, while good for the broader U.S. economy, are a threat to what has been a surprising and dramatic surge in oil production in the U.S.  More »

Moody’s: Refineries face flat demand, new competition

Shale oil will continue to give U.S. refineries a cost advantage over their European peers, but a few big refinery expansions in Saudi Arabia could steal market share.  More »

Hercules Offshore to lay off 324 workers

Houston-based drilling rig contractor Hercules Offshore has told Texas regulators it will lay off 324 employees as it shuts down four rigs in the Gulf of Mexico.  More »

Gasoline at $3, consumers saving hundreds before holidays

The bonus at the pumps represents the biggest benefit to consumers to date from a record boom in domestic oil production that has contributed to a global crude glut and helped bring down international prices.  More »

Brent oil has longest run of weekly losses since ’02

Traders are split on whether Saudi Arabia will deepen the crude price cuts that propelled oil into a bear market this month.  More »
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