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Tag archive: brandon-weeden-sucks

Brandon Weeden Interception
How bad is Brandon Weeden? He is ranked 33rd in T.Q.R. with a 28.6 rating. Browns fans deserve better.

The Cleveland Browns continue to disappoint their fans by starting Brandon Weeden one of the worse quarterbacks in the NFL. Weeden is ranked at 33rd in ESPN’s total quarterback ranking. He continues ...

Brandon Weeden
Browns QB Brandon Weeden, 3 starts and 3 losses in 2013, is it time to get rid of him? Most fans say yes!!!

The best games the Browns played this season came without Brandon Weeden playing quarterback. The Browns actually won 2 games in a row and extended their winning streak to three in games ...

Browns Fans See The Writing On The Wall “Ok I was a big Weeden supporter. I have seen the light”

“He just plain out sucks!” That is starting to be the consensus in the Cleveland Area. Fans that jumped on the Brandon Weeden band wagon are ready to jump off. They didn’t ...

New Browns President Joe Banner Will Evaluate Brandon Weeden Over Next 7 Games He is not Sure Yet If Weeden Is Their Guy

Joe Banner the new president of the Cleveland Browns hasn’t been sold yet as far as Brandon Weeden being the Browns quarterback in 2013. Some fans think Weeden is the best thing ...

Brandon Weeden & His Cleveland Browns Double The Win Total On A Day Weeden Sucked 11/27 129 Yards 0 Td’s Yuk

The Cleveland Browns played an ugly football game today. They won and doing so they doubled the win total on the year,I can’t wait to hear Pat Shurmur’s spin on this win. ...

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