

Giant hog farms are making people sick. Here’s why it’s a civil rights issue.

Communities of color in North Carolina have to endure bronchitis, asthma, and even high blood pressure caused by massive pools of pig poo. Ick.

Climate & Energy

Get ready for another extremely cold winter starting NOW

We'd joke that winter is coming, but our tongues are stuck to a light pole.


Holy sh*t, a town in Texas just banned fracking

Eight fracking bans went to voters during these elections. Half of them won, including one in the Lone Star State.

Climate & Energy

Tar-sands industry loses $17.1 billion thanks to public opposition

A new report spells out the financial costs of the public opposition to tar-sands development.

Climate & Energy

The Tom Steyer campaigns you haven’t heard about yet

The political moneyman and climate activist is spending big to put Democrats in control of key state legislatures.

Grumpier old men

The Weather Channel founder is the climate-denying grandpa you never had

John Coleman is a climate denier, The Weather Channel co-founder, and a serious grumpus.


In the fight for bike-safe streets, we’ll need everyone to join the ride

A new "bike equity" report by the League of American Bicyclists shows off diversity in bike advocacy.

Business & Technology

Surprise: Biodegradable plastic bags usually aren’t

"Oxodegradable" is the latest iffy marketing term for plastic bags.

Business & Technology

These wearable air monitors fight pollution from the streets

The AirBeam promises to let you measure the air pollution you breathe while walking around your city.

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We've devised the world's shortest survey to find out what kind of actions our readers are taking. You know you want to.
