

GMO labeling laws keep failing. Here’s why we can expect more

GMO-labeling initiatives have lost four times now, but proponents are tenacious. Until we actually try out the idea, we'll be stuck on infinite replay.


The Amish: Makers of jam, fine cabinetry, and polluted rivers

Their small, pastoral farms belie an outsized impact on streams, rivers, and the Chesapeake Bay. Now the feds are cracking down.


Hey! Did somebody frack my favorite beer?

A reader worries about fracking water tainting beer. Umbra hops to it.

the bright side

The country is going to hell, but at least your bus may come on time

The results of the election got you down? Good news! It wasn't a total train wreck.


Food votes: GMO labels rejected in Colorado and Oregon; Berkeley taxes soda

Here's a quick roundup of national and local races in the 2014 midterms that focused on food and farming.


This tool-lending library brings the sharing economy out of the city and onto the farm

Instead of shelling out big bucks for specialized machinery, food producers in Maine can now join a lending library of farm tools.


Is snacking on a scorpion sexy?

Enter SexyFood, a French startup that's trying to get you to eat bugs -- hopefully with more success than we've ever had.


Farm life without modern tech looks beautiful and backbreaking

A stunning video shows just how beautiful the Ethiopian landscape is -- and just how demanding the farm work is.


From two Ethiopians, what small farmers really want

A new middle class can put down roots when small family farmers get the tools and education to produce more food.

Got 2.7 seconds?

We've devised the world's shortest survey to find out what kind of actions our readers are taking. You know you want to.
