Mason Plumlee (1) trying to slow the Thunder’s Reggie Jackson on Monday night. With a 116-85 win, the Nets improved to 2-1. Credit John Minchillo/Associated Press
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The Nets’ owner, Mikhail D. Prokhorov, made a rare appearance at Barclays Center on Monday, when the Nets routed the Oklahoma City Thunder in their home opener.

Unlike James L. Dolan, who owns the Knicks and has his fingers in every aspect of the team, Prokhorov is a distant Nets lover. He splits his time between New York and Europe and is an infrequent presence at home games. He has not spent much time with his new coach, Lionel Hollins, whom he described as “a no-frills kind of guy. Like a meat-and-potatoes coach with a great reputation. I look forward to meeting him during my stay in New York.”

Last year, Prokhorov signed off on the decision to make Jason Kidd the Nets’ head coach despite Kidd having no coaching experience. Kidd led the high-payroll Nets to the playoffs, but punched his ticket out of Brooklyn with an attempted power play that landed him in Milwaukee as the coach of the Bucks.

When asked why he allowed Kidd to leave, Prokorov said: “I think there is a nice proverb in English: Don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split you.”

Clearly, no love lost there.

Prokhorov spent a significant amount of time considering whether to buy the Nets as an investment. At times, the brief session with Prokhorov on Monday seemed more like attending an investment meeting. Prokhorov, a 49-year-old Russian billionaire, noted that teams are worth five or six times more than their original purchase price.

“That’s why it’s a very good business,” he said. “I think it’s common knowledge for the time being that, for the last few months, the market cap of N.B.A. teams has skyrocketed.”

Are the Nets, or pieces of the Nets, for sale?

“My position is that I will not give up control of the team,” he said.When the question was rephrased, the answer was not: “I will not give up control of the team.”

Long after the Nets’ 116-85 victory, Hollins sat in his office, waiting as a video assistant worked on Hollins’s iPad.

Since the season began last week, Hollins saw the Nets lose by 16 points in Boston before winning by 12 in Detroit. It was nice to be home.

“It was fun to come out here and play, and finally have the crowd rooting for us,” he said. “And it doesn’t hurt to have Jay-Z and Beyoncé sitting there next to me.”

Hollins recalled speaking with Jay-Z after the game in the Nets’ locker room.

“I told him, ‘I admire where you came from and how you got where you are.’ ”

Eventually, the video coordinator delivered Hollins’s reconfigured iPad that would allow him to watch game tape.

Asked what a meat-and-potatoes coach was doing with an iPad, Hollins said: “There’s some things you have to come into the 21st century on. They had to bring me screaming and kicking.”

Technology has made his coaching life infinitely easier. Hollins remembered being an assistant and having to stay up all night taking editing tapes from two DVDs.

“Now he does it right after the game. It takes him 15 minutes, and he’s on his way home,” Hollins said. “It’s a different world.”

Hollins does not spend a lot of time talking about the good old days. But the N.B.A. is barely recognizable from when Hollins played in the 1970s and early ’80s — from unprecedented player compensation to celebrity rows to luxurious arenas with parlorlike locker rooms replete with gourmet food and pregame massages.

Hollins pointed out that some things have not changed, including the need to mentor. Young players need life guidance, even if the trappings lead many to conclude that they do not.

At 61, Hollins is old enough to be his players’ father. In fact, his oldest son is 42, two years older than Knicks Coach Derek Fisher. The mileage has prompted observers to routinely refer to Hollins as “old school.”

“What does that mean?” Hollins asked.

“Does it mean that I have expectations? I have demands? I expect players to be responsible. I hold them accountable. I expect discipline, and I don’t mean discipline where I fine you for being late. The discipline to do what you’re supposed to do.”

The need to win has also not changed over time. If anything, it has intensified. This is amplified for the Nets, in a market that includes the Knicks.

The Nets’ arena is more dramatic than the Knicks’ Madison Square Garden; they have a better coach; and, for now, a better team. But they are still the Nets, and they are still in Brooklyn.

If the Nets have any hope of shifting the gaze away from Manhattan — even a little — they must win consistently. Forget the glitzy fireworks, the Jay-Z and Beyoncé sightings, real estate and rumors of a sale.

Forget old school, forget new school.

Winning is timeless.