
AC/DC Drummer Charged In New Zealand Over Alleged Murder Plot

Phil Rudd, the drummer for rock band AC/DC, leaves a court house in Tauranga, New Zealand, on Thursday. i i

Phil Rudd, the drummer for rock band AC/DC, leaves a court house in Tauranga, New Zealand, on Thursday. George Novak/AP hide caption

itoggle caption George Novak/AP
Phil Rudd, the drummer for rock band AC/DC, leaves a court house in Tauranga, New Zealand, on Thursday.

Phil Rudd, the drummer for rock band AC/DC, leaves a court house in Tauranga, New Zealand, on Thursday.

George Novak/AP

Authorities in New Zealand have charged Phil Rudd, the drummer for the legendary hard rock band AC/DC, with trying to have two men killed.

CNN reports:

"The 60-year-old appeared in a New Zealand court Thursday afternoon facing a count of attempting to procure the murder of two men, said Bay of Plenty district's police spokesperson, Kim Perks.

"He was also charged with threatening to kill, possession of methamphetamine and possession of cannabis, Perks said.

"The names of the men he allegedly wanted killed and the name of the alleged potential hitman are suppressed, CNN affiliate TVNZ reported."

Rolling Stone reports the drug charges stem from a raid on Rudd's home. The magazine reports that AC/DC was about to embark on a world tour. It's unclear, Rolling Stone reports, how the arrest will affect the tour.



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