Morning roundup

Top Stories: NATO Chief In Kabul; California Considers Tuition Hike

Good morning, here are our early stories:

— NATO's New Secretary General Makes First Visit To Kabul.

— AC/DC Drummer Charged In New Zealand Over Alleged Murder Plot.

— University Of California Proposes Tuition Hike For Next 5 Years.

And here are more early headlines:

Judge Reverses Missouri's Same Sex Marriage Ban, Couples Wed. (Kansas City Star)

Judge Overturns Ferguson Police Rule On Sidewalk Protests. (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

Separate Bombs In Egypt Kill Four, Wound Several. (Kuwait News Agency)

Deadly Storms Cause Havoc In Haiti, Puerto Rico. (AP)

African Leaders Urge Burkina Faso Military To Adopt Civilian Government. (Al Jazeera)

Christie's Auctions Manet Painting For $65 Million. (Bloomberg)

Toy Hall Of Fame Inducts New Members Today. (National Toy Hall Of Fame)

Obama To Posthumously Award Medal Of Honor To Civil War Soldier. (Washington Post)



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