Items Tagged with 'pipeline'


Utility Quartet Files for Marcellus/Utica Pipeline Project

The backers of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, led by Dominion, have filed to begin FERC's prefiling process for the 550-mile project, which would cost more than $4.5 billion and deliver Marcellus/Utica shale gas to Virginia and North Carolina. Read More

Pieridae Energy Seeks OK to Liquefy U.S. Gas in Nova Scotia for Global Export

The general partner of Goldboro LNG LP II, which is developing a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal on the Nova Scotia coast near Halifax, is seeking authority to export U.S. gas to feed the project. Read More

Sierrita Pipeline Comes Online, Adding to U.S.-to-Mexico NatGas Export Options

Options for natural gas supply heading south of the border just got a lot more plentiful as Kinder Morgan Inc.'s (KM) Sierrita Pipeline, which entered service Friday, became the second U.S.-to-Mexico natural gas pipeline to go into service within a week. Read More

Union Gas Joins Calls for TransCanada to Build Separate Oil Pipeline

A second central Canadian natural gas distribution company stepped forward Friday with a demand for TransCanada Corp. to pay all costs of partially converting its Mainline to oil service. Read More

Maine PUC Moves Forward to Consider Pipeline Expansions

The Maine Public Utilities Commission (PUC) voted 2-1 to move forward with a plan to consider natural gas pipeline expansions in the state, and for regulators to pay up to $75 million a year for the expansion costs. Read More

Capline to Study Future Operations, Possible Diamond Interconnection

The three owners of the Capline crude oil pipeline system said they will conduct a study to determine potential future operations, as well as a possible connection to the proposed Diamond Pipeline. Read More

FERC OKs Start for 2.1 Bcf/d Texas-to-Mexico Pipeline

NET Mexico Pipeline Partners LLC Thursday was given a FERC clearance allowing it to place its 2 Bcf/d-plus Texas-to-Mexico natural gas pipeline project in service. The project could be online by Nov. 14, NET Mexico told the Commission. Read More

FERC Begins Environmental Work on Proposed Gas Pipe in North Dakota

FERC said Thursday its staff has opened the environmental assessment process for a new natural gas pipeline project in North Dakota that bids to serve... Read More

JBBR Launches Open Season for Crude Oil Pipeline in Illinois

JBBR Pipeline LLC is holding an open season for a new 20-inch diameter crude oil pipeline, measuring approximately four miles in length, in Illinois. Read More

FERC Begins Assessment of National Fuel Marcellus Pipeline

FERC staff has begun an environmental assessment of National Fuel Gas Co.'s Northern Access 2016 Project, a new 97-mile pipeline in Pennsylvania and New York... Read More