Health & Healing

Offering integrative healing programs for people with cancer, health professionals, and the rest of us.

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Education & the Arts

Building learning communities based in creative dialogue to deepen our vision and help resolve our differences.
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Environment & Justice

Helping to build a just, peaceful, and resilient world where our children may grow free and strong.
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  • Fu Ni Myo Do: Mysterious Path of Not Two November 3, 2014 The New School at Commonweal hosted Zen Priest and Calligrapher Shodo Harada Roshi in September as part of their End-of-Life Conversations series. Michael Lerner talked with the Roshi about death, the condition of fear, and the preciousness of life.
  • Community: Medicine for the Soul October 1, 2014 Community building is one of the goals of Commonweal’s Institute for the Study of Health and Illness (ISHI) programs. When we ask people what they learned in our trainings, one of the most frequent responses is, “I no longer feel I am alone.”
  • Translating Science to the Plate at Stanford September 4, 2014 The Commonweal Healing Kitchens Institute recently completed the second phase of Harnessing the Power of Food, a series of seminars at Stanford University Hospital that is part of Stanford’s Food and Health Initiative.

Commonweal Events

  • Healing Circles
Nov 11, 2014 , 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Healing Circles: Culinary Nutrition (Cancelled)

  • The New School Event
Nov 21, 2014 , 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

John Marks and Susan Collin Marks

  • The New School Event
Dec 06, 2014 , 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Colin Farish

Commonweal Gallery

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