
Security Lapse At Dallas Ebola Victim’s Former Apartment

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DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - Dallas Ebola victim Thomas Duncan’s apartment wasn’t under quarantine Friday as ordered by health officials. Considered by many the ‘ground zero’ of America’s Ebola scare, his former living quarters at The Ivy Apartments were wide open, unlocked for anyone to walk into.

“I got two kids of my own and I’m scared because they walk by that area… I’m moving because of that,” said resident Mesud Osmanovic. He can’t understand why the door was unlocked and cracked open.

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Duncan’s apartment was decontaminated twice, but that hasn’t assuaged fears from many people living in the complex.

“You never know who and when someone’s going to get in that apartment. To tell you the truth I don’t think they should lease that apartment at all – never,” said Osmanovic.

The carpet inside the vacant apartment was removed, but CBS 11 News reporter JD MIles saw trash on the floor inside. Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said the waste doesn’t pose a threat to the public.

“Somebody may left some trash in there but it is completely Ebola-free since it was completely cleaned out,” said Jenkins.

Dallas County health officials told CBS 11 news that the apartment door should have stayed locked, and called the landlord Friday to take care of it.

When CBS 11 news asked The Ivy apartment managers why the door was open, but they declined to comment and asked us to leave.

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