1. Regarding Leo
    What the Forecasts Got Right, and Wrong
    Jennifer Daniel

    The elections are over. What have we learned about the efforts to analyze and predict the outcomes of various Senate races?

  2. Archive Dive
    Not All Political Defeats Are Permanent

    12:40 PM ETSome Republican losers in the 1964 elections went on to distinguished careers. One would even become president.

  3. Balance of Power
    What 2014 Elections Can Tell Us About the 2016 Ones: Not So Much
    Daniel Blackball

    Democrats’ poor midterm performance is unlikely to help, or hurt, their next presidential candidate much. The state of the economy will matter more.

  4. Midterm Calculus
    Turnout, a Scapegoat, Wasn’t Always the Difference This Time

    Many Democrats would have won if turnout had resembled a presidential election year. But Democrats also lost in states where turnout surpassed that of 2010.

  5. Midterm Calculus
    The Democrats’ Southern Problem Reaches a New Depth

    The national Democratic party has been out of favor in the South for decades, and now the party has become a toxic brand for local politicians.

  6. Common Ground
    Where Might Obama and the G.O.P. Agree? Here Are Possibilities

    There’s another factor at play: two sides of the G.O.P. that may work against each other.

  7. Campaign Tactics
    Midterm Political Ads That Worked, and Why

    Successful ads are all about connecting with voters, but there is more than one way to do that, as a look at two campaigns makes clear.

  8. Midterm Calculus
    Drop in Democratic Turnout Was the Difference in the Maryland Governor’s Race

    It’s not easy for a Republican to become governor of Democratic-leaning Maryland, but here’s how Larry Hogan did it.

  9. Pulse of the People
    Voters Know Themselves Better Than the Pollsters Do

    Asking voters whom they expect to win yields better predictions than asking whom they intend to vote for.

  10. Poles Apart
    New House Will Be More Conservative, and More Liberal

    Deeper ideological divides could make compromise even harder to reach.

  11. Beyond the Midterms
    Lessons for Obama’s Final Two Years From Reagan, Clinton and Bush

    The historical record shows intriguing possibilities for pragmatic action if President Obama can put aside his policy priorities.

  12. Defining Issues
    What Democrats Don’t Get About the Minimum Wage

    While increases to the minimum wage are popular among liberal voters, it’s not an issue that fires up the middle-class electorate.

  13. The New Health Care
    States Benefiting Most From Obama’s Health Law Elected Republicans

    People who were pleased with their new health care coverage remained unhappy with the Democrats who passed it.

  14. Midterm Calculus
    The Strange Case of States’ Penchant for Casinos

    Significant expansions of gambling passed in three states, but were rejected in two where in-state interests balked.

  15. HistorySource
    Historical Lessons for a President Forced to Deal With a Hostile Congress

    There are at least three possible approaches for a president facing a Congress controlled by the opposite party.

  16. Midterm Calculus
    The Kentucky Pipe Dream, and How It Hurt Democrats

    Mitch McConnell’s victory was entirely foreseeable. By focusing on Kentucky, Democrats distracted themselves from races where they had better chances.

  17. The Midterms
    Nevada Could Elect First Openly Transgender State Legislator, a Republican

    Lauren Scott is running in a Democratic-leaning Reno-area district, but strong Republican turnout puts her in striking distance.

  18. Campaign Finance
    Election Spending Is Changing, as Well as Expanding

    This campaign featured record expenditures, but it’s also worth paying attention to how that money was spent.

  19. Midterm Calculus
    Final Upshot Senate Forecast: Republicans at 75 Percent

    The G.O.P. has a good chance, about 50-50, of not needing runoffs and winning control of the Senate outright tonight.

  20. Unconventional Wisdom
    Why the Time Is Now to Predict (Loudly) a Democratic Victory

    You have a chance to be the only pundit in the country to correctly predict the race, and to bask in the resulting glory.

  21. Midterm Calculus
    Republicans Hold Advantage in Run for Senate

    But a weak right flank leaves the Democratic path to victory broader than it might be.

  22. The Social Campaign
    Smartphones and Social Media Play Larger Role in This Election

    A survey finds people using Facebook and Twitter to feel personally connected to candidates, to get information first or to avoid news media spin.

  23. Midterm Calculus
    Election Will Leave Medicaid Policies Largely Unchanged

    Victories for Republican governors in several states means those states are not likely to expand coverage under the Affordable Care Act.

  24. Midterm Calculus
    Why Did I Vote That Way? Don’t Ask Me

    Researchers find that asking people to explain their choices isn’t always informative.