Items Tagged with 'hickenlooper'


Fracking, Drilling Find Support in Western Elections

Defeat of an anti-drilling measure in Santa Barbara County, CA, and the re-election of Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper on Tuesday provided new encouragement to industry-backed supporters of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and continued development of the nation's unconventional energy resources. Read More

Western Governors Forging Paths to Mesh Energy Development, Opposition

Leaders in Washington, DC, and state governors across the country should take note of how western states are meshing environmental goals with growing oil and gas development, Utah Gov. Gary Herbert said last Wednesday. If they did, some of the big issues at hand might be solved more successfully, he told an audience in Denver at the Colorado Oil & Gas Association's Rocky Mountain Energy Summit. Read More

Colorado Governor Makes Deal to End Local Control Ballot Measures

On the day of the deadline for statewide measures to qualify for the ballot, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper on Monday announced a deal for the withdrawal of two measures on local control issues related to oil and natural gas development. Read More

Colorado to Toughen Air, Water Protections, Governor Says

While he said Colorado has some of the strictest standards in the nation for oil and natural gas development, Gov. John Hickenlooper pledged to toughen the state's protections for air and water, working with lawmakers, the energy industry and environmental groups. Read More

Colorado Proposes ‘Model’ Methane Emissions Rules

In collaboration with industry and conservation groups, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper on Monday unveiled plans for his state to become the first in the nation to propose regulations to detect and reduce methane emissions from oil and natural gas drilling. Read More

Colorado Seeks Broad Support for Drilling Emissions Rules

 The governor and air quality regulators in Colorado are seeking broad-based input and support for a new set of air emissions rules applied to oil and natural gas drilling as evidenced by Gov. John Hickenlooper's move on Monday to assure a smooth regulatory process. Read More