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A Soda Tax = Bad News for Big Industry

The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Scientific American.

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This week’s video comes from Patrick Mustain over at the Food Matters blog. His short animation on the topic of applying taxes to sugary beverages gets directly to the point…and the point is bad news for the giants in the soda industry. According to Mustain:

Sugary drinks are the single-largest contributor to added sugars in the American diet. Their consumption increases risk of type II diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems. Experts agree that rising sugary drink consumption has been a major contributor to the obesity epidemic, and that reducing consumption is a public health imperative.

Check out Mustain’s entire post here.

Carin Bondar About the Author: Carin Bondar is a biologist, writer and film-maker with a PhD in population ecology from the University of British Columbia. Find Dr. Bondar online at, on twitter @drbondar or on her facebook page: Dr. Carin Bondar – Biologist With a Twist. Follow on Twitter @drbondar.

The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Scientific American.

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  1. 1. Rubyanderson785 3:06 am 10/20/2014

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  2. 2. Don Quixote 4:48 pm 11/4/2014

    Another idea so good that the proponents think it should be mandated. How about just don’t drink sugary drinks if you don’t want to? But then that free choice would interfere with Big Government’s efforts at control, totally different than Big Business’ efforts to get you to drink sugary sodas…

    Come on, just teach people to be responsible and make them live with their choices (no safety net for bad choices).

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