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Akinola Emmanuel's profile photoJosemarti Rodriguez's profile photoJessica Schnell's profile photoGilberto Sánchez Ortiz's profile photo
+Jim Chatman great, so you're just going to attack everyone that doesn't agree with you. Good luck with that. 
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Scientific American

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Cancer cells are immortal in the sense that they can proliferate unchecked. That ability may have once enabled organisms to adapt to their environments.
Gilberto Sánchez Ortiz's profile photoPhysocTV's profile photo
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Scientific American

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Huba Nagy's profile photoRodolfo Zamian's profile photoAndrew Planet's profile photoGilberto Sánchez Ortiz's profile photo
Phhhhht...Pheromones, like, duh!
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Scientific American

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The science of science writing, from a scientist.
Dirk Stanley's profile photoRanji R's profile photo余艺's profile photoGilberto Sánchez Ortiz's profile photo
so you've "summarized" by leaving out the part that says "savoring and reverse-engineering good prose, and assimilating vast numbers of words, idioms, tropes, and stylistic habits and tricks", and then you proceed to criticize the part that you've chosen?
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New treatment for autism: acting class.
Jean-Luc Giuliano's profile photoEmily Ford Sytsma's profile photoMichael McIntyre's profile photoGilberto Sánchez Ortiz's profile photo
+Gert Sønderby How good is your wife with statistics? I realized after , If I was right (  One-size-does-not-fit-all ) traditional experiments might not be good enough, to see how and who is benefiting from interventions.

A lack of control against background results is a joke.  But if it helped and harmed different people, it might look averaged out. 

You would need to test sstatisticalcorrelations for change-itself. 

This is a similar problem for antidepressants
( may help a subset population but doesnt beat placebos long-term on a broad population ) 

One way to establish this is,  with re-challenge studies and re-iterative testing on subset populations that show  statistical significant correlations. On a drug you want to show you can turn on and off an effect. 

If done correctly this is a valid way to show a subset can get results that beat placebos. 

I dont know how to apply this idea to Autism-interventions. This seems to be a form of cherry-picking, but seems valid if you can result in a full group that gets results. They you can test for why. 

Its a Complexity-problem.

 I am also wondering what sort of sham treatments it would take  to test  the Acting classes.
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New photos of Mars from the recently arrived Indian probe.
Selene Portillo Barraza's profile photoJULIAN CAMILO GALLEGO RAMIREZ's profile photoShaa Abhisek Khan's profile photoDamir Belić's profile photo
In plansa alaturata se poate vedea cum ceea ce vedem direct se afla doar in zona spectrului electromagnetic clasic (gamma-radia). In rest observam efectele miscarilor impuse de undele gigant si subatomice asupra structurilor din spectrul electromagnetic clasic.

Cu alte cuvinte ceea ce vedem pe cer sunt efectele miscarilor undelor gigant, unde similare cu dimensiunile sistemelor solare, galaxiilor si metagalaxiei...

Intelegand acest important aspect al observatiilor directe si indirecte in cosmos, putem intelege mai bine faptul ca spre exemplu galaxiile sunt rodul a unor siruri de unde variabile dimensional A si B in plansa). Aceste siruri sunt alcatuite din unde ce coexista simultan in acelasi spatiu tridimensional pe axa frecventelor si nu pot ocupa acelasi spatiu tridimensional pe axa undelor identice. Cele doua siruri se resping pana la atingere in zona undelor gigant si se atrag, pana la atingere in zona undelor subatomice. Aceste siruri se pot roti unul in jurul celuilalt rezultand o spirala atat in zona axelor de frecventa, cat si in spatiul tridimensional. Astfel observand relatia dintre grupurile spectrale A si B, la nivelul spectrului clasic, vom constata structuri in forma de spirala si goale in centru. Aceasta este imaginea rezultata, asemanatoare cu un vartej de furtuna cu centru gol si linistit!
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More news about that teeming zoo of microbes we call the gut.
Ricardo Flores's profile photoLynda Hecht's profile photoGilberto Sánchez Ortiz's profile photoPhysocTV's profile photo
Has a study been done on people MS getting tested for herpes 1 and 2 ?
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To figure out your primary introverted type, take this online test.
Bruno Maia's profile photoAmanda Park's profile photoGilberto Sánchez Ortiz's profile photoSteffen Glückselig's profile photo
When I clicked on the link it did not take me to any test.  Or any blog about a test.  Is it gone?
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Scientific American

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By designing organisms that break the rules of DNA, researchers may be able to make novel life forms resistant to viral infection.
Kenneth Byrd's profile photoCyto C.'s profile photoRanji R's profile photoGrafen Co.'s profile photo
"organisms routinely break these rules" does suggest that the "rules" might be presumptuous.  Remember that 99% of the human genome that was considered to be junk?  

It may be true that there are no limits to human knowledge.  Unfortunately, that applies to arrogance as well.
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Scientific American

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How to pack 2 lbs of information into a 1 lb bag.
david wooden's profile photoVincenzo Sicari's profile photoGrafen Co.'s profile photoOlivier de Broqueville's profile photo
Going along with the analogy, I think it's even more impressive that they can pack 2,000 pounds of information into a 10 pound bag. This could be extremely useful once integrated into large quantum computers.
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Scientific American

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Benedetta Camarota's profile photoRoberto Wachong's profile photo
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Scientific American

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Birds didn't evolve from dinos "in one fell swoop." (Get it?)
Dyan Christian's profile photoJared Lovering's profile photoKirstin Miklos's profile photoMike Goff's profile photo
+troy miller it's usually about the time I show them the Bible can't be used to prove anything, (that deliberate vagueness it's full of works both ways) 
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