Saffy Herndon: Dallas' Kid Comedian

Categories: Comedy

If you're up on the local comedy scene, which seems to rotate around the nuclear hub of the Dallas Comedy House, you may have found yourself snort-laughing at jokes coming out of youngster, Saffy Herndon. The 9-year-old comedian, who tells jokes about everything from cartoons to her dad's drinking habits to adopting highways. She's making the observations other kids might make, but with better comedic timing and the knowing, devious smile of a 4th grader who knows how funny she is. And Dallas audiences tend to agree, as she performs at many of the popular open mic nights, as well as in line-ups at DCH, and the Kessler Theater.

Our videographer, Sarah Passon, caught a recent set at DCH.

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I get the feeling I'll be hearing this name a lot in 15 years or so.

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