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An embeddable widget to find issues on the Code for America API

branch: master


Civic Issue Finder

The easiest way to get started with civic hacking. This is a small, embeddable, and customizable web app that makes it easy to find open GitHub Issues from across the civic technology movement. It fetches data from the Code for America API.

How to get your Issues included

  1. Get your Brigade included on the CfAPI.
  2. Ensure your project is included in your Brigade's projects on the CfAPI. Ask your Captain or Delivery Lead how they included projects or check the projects_list_url column for your group on the Brigade Information sheet.
  3. Create GitHub Issues for your projects. Make sure they are easy to understand. Create and use appropriate GitHub labels. We recommend using "help wanted" whenever it is as we display these issues on the most sites.
  4. The CfAPI updates once an hour. Check back to see if your Issues appear. Send a message to @ondrae if you need help.

How to Use

This widget can be accessed directly, or it can be embedded into any webpage with the code generated by our embed tool.

Summary Video

Kind of long and boring

Blog Post

The Embed Code

<iframe src="" width="100%" height="600" frameBorder="0"> </iframe>

The url in the src attribute of the iframe can be given the following query params to customize your widget

  • organization_name: Only looks for issues of projects in the given organization. The organization has to match a name from the CfAPI. Example: <iframe src="" width="100%" height="600" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
  • labels: GitHub labels to filter the search by. Example: <iframe src=" wanted,enhancement" width="100%" height="600" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
  • number: The number of issues to show in the widget. Example: <iframe src="" width="100%" height="600" frameBorder="0"> </iframe>


The CFAPI is built on Flask and Python with a little bit of Javascript. The file describes the routes. The templates have the html. main.js helps out the embed form.

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv-civicissues
source venv-civicissues/bin/activate
  • Install the required libraries
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • To run locally



Copyright (c) 2014 Code for America.

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