

Chevron spent $72 per voter to defeat these green candidates — and failed

A refinery town's activist and green governing coalition prevails in the face of an oil company's millions.

the bright side

The country is going to hell, but at least your bus may come on time

The results of the election got you down? Good news! It wasn't a total train wreck.


You kids get off my sidewalk: Baby boomers want walkable cities, too

In a heart-warming juncture between millennial ideology and baby-boomer practicality, AARP is campaigning for more walkable cities.


When Republicans say crazy sh*t, it ought to matter

Soon-to-be Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst believes in Agenda 21 conspiracy theories and wants to totally shut down the EPA, and the mainstream media thinks that's not worth mentioning.


In Richmond, Calif., it’s Chevron’s $3 million vs. a green slate

A refinery town's reputation as an environmental-justice pioneer is in peril, thanks to a pile of oil money and a torrent of negative ads.


In the fight for bike-safe streets, we’ll need everyone to join the ride

A new "bike equity" report by the League of American Bicyclists shows off diversity in bike advocacy.


China’s latest fashion craze: Smog masks

Air pollution in China is a national problem -- but that's not stopping the fashion industry from glammin' up the protective gear!

Business & Technology

Uber says half its drivers make $90K a year — yeah, right.

The ridesharing company employs some questionable math to calculate the mean income of a NYC UberX driver. Let's run those numbers again.

Climate & Energy

5 things still broken 2 years after Superstorm Sandy

The disastrous hurricane hit two years ago this week. But red tape has made rebuilding painfully slow.

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