All Access Pass With GWAR!

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BK 11 TAN Billy Kidd
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In the latest All Access Pass, Billy Kidd interviewed Pustulus Maximus from GWAR! In the interview Billy and Pustulus Maximus talked the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Satan, and GWAR’s new singer Vulvatron.

Billy asked Pustulus Maximus on if the band felt snubbed for not being in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The answer no, because, “We are in. They Just don’t know it yet.”

Pustulus Maximus also claims that he and satan are, “pals” that go “way back”.

Pustulus Maximus also talked GWAR’s new singer Vulvatron saying, “She does really well. I’m really excited the future still has boobs in it cause she’s from the future you know.”

Watch the whole interview in the video above.

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