On Air

Quitters Never Prosper Or Who Stole The Trail Mix?

By: David Rancken
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Logo courtesy of CBS

It is the day that all the contestants have been waiting for. It’s some kind of milestone for the players. But the game completely changes from that moment on. You are on your own, you can’t hide behind your teammates. The social aspect changes as well, because now it’s ALL about putting together your alliance, even among members of the other tribe.

First thing the new single tribe has to do among the scheming and talking, is come up with the new tribe name. They combine Hunaphu and Coyopa to come up with Huyopa. Hashtag that.

The contestants get a feast to chow down on. First real food a lot of them have had in a couple of weeks. Can you imagine the line for the outhouse a few hours later?

Time for the scheming for awhile. Josh and his partner Reid really want Jeremy gone, because he’s so popular and would win the million if he got to the final. He forgets, but Jeremy remembers, he’s really bad at competitions. Josh wants to hit up the other couples that are left from the Blood vs. water aspect. Form up that kind of alliance to knock out the singles. OF course, he tries to hit up Baylor first, because “he saved her” earlier in the game. That would make Baylor and her mom, Missy from here the Metroplex, grateful. Join his alliance, blah blah blah.

Here’s where that plotline has to be derailed for a minute. They brought leftovers from that huge feast that they could eat later.
But someone noticed: WHO glommed the trail mix? Julie goes off to be by herself, because the pressure of the game is getting to her. She misses her “boo” John Rocker. Think on that for a second, “she missed John Rocker”

The hunt continues for the stolen trail mix. They actually start going through personal belongings. While Julie is sunbathing on the rocks, they go through her bag and, lo and behold, trail mix that they grab out and start munching on like rats going after a wedge of cheese. “She took it and won’t share. That’s not fair”. We’ll vote her out for that crime

Immunity challenge. This is for individual immunity. No more tribal immunity. Every man and woman for him/herself. It’s a balancing act. They have to hold long ropes with a flat round plate at the end. A ball in the center. If you drop your ball, you’re out. In the end, Keith wins immunity over his own son Wes.

You’d think, time to plot for Tribal Council. Not so fast, Master Planner. Julie has something to say first. Oh, she needs to say it to Jeff Probst.
Remember what I said earlier? She misses John Rocker.

She tells Jeff she knows the Muyopas are out to vote her out because of the “Great Trail Mix Caper”. And she missed John Rocker. Julie says she’s done and she’s ready to quit. This doesn’t happen very often and Jeff is usually disgusted by contestants who quit. Maybe, he’s mellowing. He doesn’t trash Julie to her face. But she’s gone and he tells the others that there won’t be a tribal council. Julie has quit and that has ruined the plans of some of the others who counted on her vote. Sorry Jeremy, you might be next.

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