Florida Gas Zone 3 Alabama/Mississippi Natural Gas Prices

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Daily, Weekly and Bidweek Prices are in U.S.$/MMBtu except for locations in the Canada section which are in Cdn$/GJ. For more information, please see NGI's Price Methodology.

Forward Prices are expressed in U.S.$/MMBtu and based on indicative data obtained from traders, exchanges and deals provided by energy companies. "Fixed Price" represent the forward prices of gas delivered for each reference period at the various locations/hubs. "Basis Price" represent the differential, for each reference period, between the Henry Hub and various locations/hubs. The Summer and Winter prices are simple averages of Apr-Oct (7 months) and Nov-Mar (5 months) respectively. "Bal Smr" and "Bal Wtr" prices represent simple averages of the remaining months in those seasonal strips (after at least one month has passed). For daily updates of these data in monthly bullets going out 5 years, contact sales at info@natgasintel.com.

Florida Gas Zone 3 Description

Florida Gas Zone 3 includes transactions between the East Baton Rouge meter at mile marker 559.4 in East Baton Rouge Parish, LA, and the St. Regis/FGT meter in Santa Rosa County, FL (mile marker 801.4).

Futures Falter Following Release of Storage Data

Natural gas futures took something of a hit off the release of government storage figures that were greater than what the market was anticipating. Read More

Cash Leads Futures Higher as Traders Brace For Series Of Cold Fronts

Physical gas prices for Thursday delivery bounded higher on Wednesday at all points, as not only were cooler temperatures forecast in major population centers, but a series of cold fronts were expected to periodically charge across the country with little in the way of relief seen in the foreseeable future. Read More

New England, Gulf Weakness Tug Quotes Lower; Futures Movin' On Up

Gas for Wednesday delivery was widely mixed in Tuesday's trading with a slight edge to the loss side of the ledger. Gains in the Mid-Atlantic, Marcellus and Midcontinent couldn't offset super-sized declines in New England as well as weakness in the Gulf Coast and Rockies. Read More

Futures, Cash Trend in Opposite Directions; December Adds 17 Cents

Physical gas prices for Tuesday delivery fell hard in Monday's trading as a warming trend was forecast for key eastern population centers. Read More

Bidweek Buyers Relishing Lower Quotes, But Staring Down Frigid Forecasts

Gas buyers were all smiles as November bidweek trading drew to a close. Mild October temperatures kept prices on a short leash... Read More

Soft Producing Zone Pricing Can't Undo Weekly Gains Elsewhere

The Weekly Spot Gas Average for the shortened trading week ended Oct. 30 added a modest 7 cents, but had it not been for losses of a few pennies in Texas and Louisiana, the average could have been a dime or more higher. Nationally, the NGI Average rose to $3.36, but was unable to keep pace with an exuberant futures market which managed nearly double the gains. Read More

Soaring New England Unable to Counter Broader Declines; Futures Up Again

It was a tale of two physical markets on Friday for weekend and Monday gas deliveries: New England and everyone else. Read More

Eastern Weather-Driven Gains Lift Gas Market; Futures Make It Three Straight in the Black

Physical gas traders Thursday didn't have to anticipate the Energy Information Administration (EIA) storage figures to initiate their buying... Read More

Market Takes Storage Stats in Stride; Futures Inch Higher

Natural gas futures got something of a lift Thursday morning off the release of government storage figures that were a little higher than what the market was anticipating. Read More

Physical Gas, Futures Dance Higher; November Expires Up 8 Cents

Physical gas for Thursday delivery surged in Wednesday’s trading as forecasts called for plunging temperatures and a strong hint that the mild conditions experienced until recently might have to give way to a more seasonal temperature regime. Read More