

Giant hog farms are making people sick. Here’s why it’s a civil rights issue.

Communities of color in North Carolina have to endure bronchitis, asthma, and even high blood pressure caused by massive pools of pig poo. Ick.


Hey! Did somebody frack my favorite beer?

A reader worries about fracking water tainting beer. Umbra hops to it.

the bright side

The country is going to hell, but at least your bus may come on time

The results of the election got you down? Good news! It wasn't a total train wreck.


Watch Stephen Colbert make fun of major networks’ election coverage

Stephen Colbert leaves numbers to the nerds and summons a demon to cover election results.


You kids get off my sidewalk: Baby boomers want walkable cities, too

In a heart-warming juncture between millennial ideology and baby-boomer practicality, AARP is campaigning for more walkable cities.


Help! I need eco-friendly party favors — on a budget

A reader wonders if there's a better alternative than the dreaded, plastic-filled goodie bags. Umbra reaches into her huge bag of tricks.


In the fight for bike-safe streets, we’ll need everyone to join the ride

A new "bike equity" report by the League of American Bicyclists shows off diversity in bike advocacy.

Business & Technology

These wearable air monitors fight pollution from the streets

The AirBeam promises to let you measure the air pollution you breathe while walking around your city.

Tricks and Treats

Turn your last-minute Halloween costume into an environmental statement

If your artfully glitter-glued pants don’t have a clearly defined political stance, you might as well not go out at all.

Got 2.7 seconds?

We've devised the world's shortest survey to find out what kind of actions our readers are taking. You know you want to.
