Climate & Energy


Meet your new fossil fuel-loving GOP senators

Some are blatant climate deniers. Others hedge on the issue. But they all agree that we should do nothing to stop it.

Climate & Energy

How climate change is like street harassment

It is difficult to convince people that their actions have, knowingly or unknowingly, contributed to substantial aggregate harms. It's true of catcalling women on the street and it's true of climate change.


Hey! Did somebody frack my favorite beer?

A reader worries about fracking water tainting beer. Umbra hops to it.


Chevron spent $72 per voter to defeat these green candidates — and failed

A refinery town's activist and green governing coalition prevails in the face of an oil company's millions.


Green groups spent millions on the midterms. What did it get them?

That money — it looks like there was at least $85 million — bought a lot of ads. But on Election Day, it's not clear that it paid off.

Climate & Energy

Get ready for another extremely cold winter starting NOW

We'd joke that winter is coming, but our tongues are stuck to a light pole.

the bright side

The country is going to hell, but at least your bus may come on time

The results of the election got you down? Good news! It wasn't a total train wreck.


Holy sh*t, a town in Texas just banned fracking

Eight fracking bans went to voters during these elections. Half of them won, including one in the Lone Star State.

Climate & Energy

Clean energy may be dead in D.C., but here’s how you can lead the charge

OpenIDEO wants your ideas for a renewable-energy-filled future.

Got 2.7 seconds?

We've devised the world's shortest survey to find out what kind of actions our readers are taking. You know you want to.
