
Finger Lakes winemakers to Cuomo: Ban fracking in New York (Commentary)

Special to By Special to The Post-Standard
on April 08, 2014 at 9:00 AM, updated April 08, 2014 at 9:10 AM
The gas industry never accounts for the jobs that could be lost, or the fact that the number of jobs created by fracking are highly exaggerated.

By Peter Saltonstall and Doug Hazlitt

Every year, more and more New Yorkers take the phrase "eat local" to heart, so much so that it's becoming a must for new restaurants to source their food and drink locally.

The farm-based beverage industries are not only a source of New York pride, but are growing at a tremendous pace. Since 2011, the number of wineries, distilleries, breweries and cideries is up 72 percent.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has rightly pointed out that such growth is yielding huge economic benefits for our state and is unparalleled in the industry nationwide -- and the numbers back him up.

A new report on the grape and wine industry released this month based on 2012 data shows that the industry now contributes $4.8 billion to the New York state economy every year. It also found that the industry supports the equivalent of 25,000 full-time jobs, pays over $408 million in taxes, and generates over 5.2 million wine-related tourism visits.

These local businesses are providing jobs -- directly and indirectly -- for New Yorkers, and their success demonstrates the entrepreneurial spirit and opportunities for local industries to grow within our state.

We are immensely proud to be part of this booming movement, but we also recognize it is something that we must protect.

The progress we've witnessed and that Governor Cuomo has praised would be gravely endangered if fracking were allowed in New York.

The dangers of fracking are becoming increasingly well-known as study after study shows how it contaminates water -- a critical resource for our industries.

Fracking would jeopardize the safety of the water we rely on for producing our wine -- the same water relied upon by the beer industry and other farm-based beverage industries.

States have confirmed water contamination resulting from fracking, and recent scientific studies by three major American universities -- from three different states that permit fracking -- substantiate those dangers to water supplies.

That simply doesn't mix with brewing beer, producing wine or other beverages.

We at King Ferry Winery, maker of Treleaven brand wines, are proud of the many gold medals that we have won in national and international competitions over the last 25 years.

At Hazlitt 1852 Vineyards, we produce award-winning wines on the land we grew up on and with deep knowledge passed down over generations.

Our wines and those of our fellow New York wineries are excellent and are gaining wider acceptance and attention worldwide.

It's why our industry is booming -- we make quality products. But we simply can't do that without clean water.

The evidence continues to mount that fracking would do harm to our state.

The gas industry and its lobbyists never account for the jobs that could be lost, or the fact that independent studies have shown the number of jobs created by fracking to be highly exaggerated and mostly filled by out-of-state workers.

Farm-based beverage industries are growing, sustainable and already employ tens of thousands of New Yorkers, while also helping grow other local industries. That is why Governor Cuomo is investing in new infrastructure and programs to support their continued health -- they are good for our economy and communities.

But fracking -- with the water contamination, air pollution and health risks it would bring to our communities -- is destructive and unsustainable.

And the experience in states with fracking not only shows it to be an environmental and public health catastrophe, but also to economically bust, lower property values and carry enormous social costs, such as increased crime.

The tourism generated by wineries, other beverage industries and the beauty of New York will also be jeopardized. Who wants to visit towns dotted with fracking wells, and plagued by contaminated water, polluted air and truck traffic?

There is much talk about the business climate in New York.

There are certainly challenges, but areas of growth and potential exist. Governor Cuomo has provided support for our industry and others, and has been quick to recognize areas of opportunity to cultivate economic growth in our state.

We need to continue investing in the growth of our local and sustainable businesses in New York, rather than handing the keys to massive out-of-state natural gas corporations to damage our communities and leave us to deal with the devastating consequences.

Allowing fracking in New York is a sure way to jeopardize the economic growth of New York's local thriving and emerging industries, which are the key to our state's future economic vitality.

Let's choose the right path and ban fracking in New York.