Randall Wallace's Reviews > Snake Oil: How Fracking's False Promise of Plenty Imperils Our Future

Snake Oil by Richard Heinberg
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's review
Jul 31, 13

Read in July, 2013

great new book on fracking that came out this week. was a great antidote to what i read in the mainstream press! how great to hear the latest from an expert like Richard Heinberg about fracking. and few people talk about how simply the economic aspects of fracking make it a lose/lose proposition. No one else discusses how simply the damage to highways done by the trucks involved and hauling all that fracking equipment out weighs most of the benefits to the state that allows fracking.

excellent book and boy it sure is timely! i've read every Richard heinberg book and this is as thoughtfully written as the rest of them...
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07/31/2013 marked as: read

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