1. #SolarChat has been described as the solar industry’s megaphone, a global think-tank, a solar speed-dating session, serious solar networking at your fingertips, and a solar community with a shared mission, information, and resources, without leaving your home or office.

    Whatever your experience has been with #SolarChat, the tenants of collaboration and community have driven this global solar conversation since its inception in 2011. So, it is no coincidence the topic of the 50th #SolarChat was “Collaboration and Teamwork: An Antidote to Solar Growth Pains?”

    In the spirit of community, this #SolarChat conversation was co-hosted by the @SolarChatTeam and the @SPIConvention Team. More evidence of the  #SolarChat DNA can be found in the panelists led by Julia Hamm, President and CEO of SEPA, leading to Solar Power International to be followed up by a #SolarChat on November 12th, which will be led by her counterpart to SPI, Rhone Resch, President and CEO of SEIA.

    The collaboration necessary for solar to succeed far exceeds the boundaries within our industry. Points brought up in this vibrant conversation touched on public-private partnerships, industry and government, industry and technology, industry and utilities, industry and finance, cross-industry relationships, and much more.

    Speaking of teams, 141 contributors from six countries and 26 states added their voices to this #SolarChat event. Together, we generated 4.2 million impressions reaching nearly 300,000 Twitter accounts during our solar brainstorm.
  2. We look forward to celebrating the teams rockin’ the solar revolution with you in Vegas. Join the party on Oct 22nd 8-10:00pm at the REVOLUTION Lounge, Mirage Hotel.

    For now, we hope the highlights of this month’s #SolarChat will excite and invigorate you...
  3. Q1 How critical is collaboration for solar growth? Share examples of solar teamwork at its finest. #SolarChat

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