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W. Adriaan Bakker
Works at VanadiumCorp Resource Inc.
Attended Sauder School of Business
Lives in South Surrey/White Rock BC, Canada
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W. Adriaan Bakker

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2013-08-30 PacificOre names Bakker, Pearce, Sorbara to board
PacificOre Mining Corp Symbol C : PC Shares Issued 147,392,824 Close  2013-08-30 C$ 0.05 Recent Sedar Documents View Original Document PacificOre names Bakker, Pearce, Sorbara to board 2013-09-03 07:49 ET - News Release Mr. Adriaan Bakker reports CORPORATE ...
PacificOre Mining CorpSymbolC : PCShares Issued147,392,824Close 2013-08-30C$ 0.05Recent Sedar Documents View Original Document PacificOre names Bakker, Pearce, Sorbara to board 2013-09-03 07:49 ET - News Release Mr...
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W. Adriaan Bakker

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US Dept. Of Energy Funding Development of the Vanadium Redox Battery
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W. Adriaan Bakker

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PacificOre Abandons Company Records VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA – July 9, 2013 – The Concerned Shareholders have recently taken possession of the offices that PacificOre previously leased in South S...
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W. Adriaan Bakker

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PacificOre Board Silent on Status of Company Properties VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA – June 6, 2013 – It has come to the attention of the Concerned Shareholders that a number of claims that the Com...
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W. Adriaan Bakker

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Video About the Lac Dore Deposit, Vanadium Market and the Vanadium Redox Battery (VRB). With Commentary from friend Maria Skyllas Kazacos, Inventor of The VRB, Professor Emeritus at the University of NSW and Pioneer of next generation VRB technology.
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W. Adriaan Bakker

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEAS   Reminder to PacificOre Board of its Requirement to file Information Circular VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA – August 22, 2013 – The Concerned Shareholders wish to remind the current board and management...
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W. Adriaan Bakker

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Reminder to PacificOre Board of its Requirement to file Notice of AGM VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA – July 19th 2013 – The Concerned Shareholders wish to remind the current board and management of vari...
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W. Adriaan Bakker

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PacificOre Administrative Expenses Continue to Mount Leaving Little for Exploration VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA – July 4, 2013 – In keeping with the trend since 2005 when administration costs exceeded exploration costs by a ...
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Easy directions to check on mining claims in Quebec, Canada
Sign up for a free GESTIM account using  Internet Explorer Click on the link below to sign up(takes a few minutes for confirmation email) 1. Acc...
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W. Adriaan Bakker

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Good Video Explaining how the Vanadium Redox Battery Works with Maria Skyllas Kazacos.
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Finance and development for private and public mining companies.
Corporate finance, project acquisition, project development and business development.
  • VanadiumCorp Resource Inc.
    President and Chief Executive Officer, 2013 - present
  • XRG Inc.
    Managing Partner, 2000 - present
  • PacificOre Mining Corp
    Chief Executive Officer, 2003 - 2013
Map of the places this user has livedMap of the places this user has livedMap of the places this user has lived
South Surrey/White Rock BC, Canada
Contact Information
Mining executive and consultant since 2003. Involved directly in corporate finance, project acquisition and development and business development.
W. Adriaan Bakker is a mining executive and consultant with 10 years' experience in the mineral exploration sector. He is directly involved in corporate finance, management, project acquisition and development, business development, as well as corporate communications.

Adriaan has worked with the Company since 2003.  He defined and managed VanadiumCorp's communications strategies worldwide including the development of public relations initiatives, media relations, corporate advertising, social media campaigns, customer marketing programs and other key corporate initiatives. Adriaan contributed significantly in building a strong team of advisory board members and establishing relationships with strategic groups of producers and consumers in the specialty metal and green technology sectors.

“As a key member of the management team, I have played a key role in VanadiumCorp's growth, from acquisition and development to directly financing its Vanadium projects over the past seven years," said Adriaan.  I believe Vanadium is truly the metal of the future. VanadiumCorp’s large scale Canadian deposits may create enough supply to not only stabilize Vanadium's historically volatile price, but to fuel emerging technologies that may vastly improve the quality of life for many decades to come.”

Adriaan has also been a management partner of XRG Inc. since 2000 which is developing a system of local energy databases allowing commercial and residential building owners to evaluate energy use, costs and emissions of all metered or delivered fuels for the purpose of maximizing the return on their investments in energy. Adriaan's experience, knowledge and contacts in the renewable energy and specialty metals sector plays a key role in the development of VanadiumCorp’s Iron-Titanium-Vanadium projects
Bragging rights
Launched dissident takeover campaign against VanadiumCorp (Formerly Pacificore Mining Corp.)on April 1, 2013. Succeeded in replacing management of VanadiumCorp on August 30, 2013.
  • Sauder School of Business
    Business, 2011 - 2013
  • Kwantlen Polytechnic University
    Business, 1999 - 2001
Basic Information