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Are you a #physics fan looking for a #Halloween costume idea? Be intriguing, perplexing, & mysterious, in unique accelerating & expansive style! Dress up as #darkenergy !  

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Winter is coming! Are you and your home ready for colder weather? Check out some of our resources to help you get ready.
#winter   #preparedness   #energysavings   #energyefficiency   #weatherization  
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Check our our latest #EnergyJobs blog, in which a chemist at +Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory talks about the road to being a professional scientist→ 
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What do "Chariots of Fire" and @DanielYergin's book #ThePrize have in common? Find out→
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SPOTTED → clean #renewable #energy  installations that are helping one #Massachusetts city cut its energy costs. 

Supported with funding by the Energy Department, the city of New Bedford is being a clean energy leader. By the end of summer, the city have more than 16.25 megawatts of installed #solar capacity, supplying approximately 52 percent of its municipally consumed #electricity  and saving the city nearly $700,000 a year.
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Topping more than 61 gigawatts of installed capacity at the end of 2013 -- that’s enough #electricity  to power nearly 16 million American homes a year -- #wind #energy  is quickly becoming a critical source of clean, #renewable  power for the United States. Join experts from the Energy Department, +Berkeley Lab and +Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) today at 1 p.m. ET for a live Twitter chat on wind energy in America. Submit your Qs now using #AskEnergy
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Curious about the state of the U.S. #geothermal industry? There's a map for that. 

Check out our new #interactive #map to learn more about geothermal heat flow and geothermal plants →
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Good to know 😊
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Have you ever wanted to work on electric poles? Wondered what it takes to become a utility line worker? Check out our latest #EnergyJobs  blog, and how he's climbed his way up →
#electricity   #thegrid  
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It's time to #AskEnergySaver  all your questions about how to save on home heating before it gets too cold out! Use the hashtag to submit your question, and then check back next week for answers→ 
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Here is my statement, questions and strategy plan of Innervoice Consulting: Can this be done by the government administration? Take a moment to read the Innervoice Consulting "Eco Generator Backup Hybrid System." Government officials can respond with their opinion through my Gmail at Innervoice as I am keeping my creative notes to a confidential level in my business as I further develop the Eco engineering home heating sketch designs:
Innervoice Consulting- Gloria Jean Harden-Bailey (Creative Eco Energy plans of design and management)
Posted on Google+ and Facebook:
Google+ dates and post time: October 3rd, 2014 and updated October 6th, 2014
Facebook dates and post time: October 3rd, 2014 at 7:14pm and updated October 6th, 2014
My post and discussion I spoke of a Utility Savings Plan:
My son Marcus and I are working on an idea to reduce energy dependence on utility companies. An "Eco Backup Generator" attached to homes can store solar power for electricity or other types of energy in a self-contained unit smaller than a Heating-Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) unit that sits outside your home. This "Eco Backup Generator" could heat and upstart rotation energy to a home and through temperature control much like you switch from gas to electric in a hybrid car. Imagine sitting in your comfortable home and your main unit powers down and switches off quietly to your "Eco Backup Generator" that takes over the heating and cooling of your home with energy that already stored from their sun cell collection. Hopefully, the result is half the utility bill cost if scientist and engineers could get this idea into everyday usable production. Now of course, it would work best on new homes but "Eco Backup Generator" heating and cooling systems can be adapted to the older homes. This could become the standard and imagine how many people across the world could save money and prevent damage to the environment with a basic mechanical engineered plan put in production to manufacturers. The advantage for utility companies would be the responsible assistance to preserving energy for their customers and less energy unit cost.
We are going over the categories of solar, wind, water power, etc… and how this would work and then draw and sketch the possibilities as we discuss scientific facts, theories and brain storming conclusions.
1. Direct sun regions: Solar Cell collection will be used for energy storage.
2. Mountain/hill and across the plains region: Wind mill power will be used collection of the resources.
3. Coastal/ocean regions: Water generation storing and collection.
These three sources will gather and pull natural resource energy from the environment: During the day the HVAC is on while people are at work because this is usually the lowest usage. The “Eco Backup Generator Hybrid System” will switch on at night in the height times of energy use after work and during dinner and heat or cool the homes at night. From there the standard HVAC we currently use will switch back on in early morning as people rise for work. This can be combined with capping the utility use similar to the purchase of cell phone data, voice on a phone plan. You only buy what you need from the utility company. If you go over your cap you pay the usage from the main energy line you use for the HVAC utility company. This method will quickly regulate environmental behavior usage as being responsible climate citizens. (In terms of engineering and mechanical the system would have to be built to work seamlessly together. {Quietly for noise reduction} A diagram would have to be created for how that would work. That's the main mechanical and drafting plan component for the switch on and off energy backup and transfer initiation.) Design schematic: The engineering plan should be ergonomic with formed and shaped lines. Semi mat sheen of paint coverage that is resistant to harsh climate exposure. Colors are fine if they blend in with the landscape of the home and neighborhood architecture.  I would like to see a design contest by artist for The "Eco Backup Generator Hybrid System" to create designs for this system and how it would blend with the HVAC system.
I created similar designs of arts, science and mechanical drafting plans and engineering with both my sons Darrien Douglass Bailey and now Marcus Marcelus Bailey. Darrien, my older son is great with the sorting and slowing down the plan for feasibility; how it would work and what does not work. He see the gaps; the focused intensity of the picture and if it makes sense for everyday use and the practicality. He looks at the plan and data brings the idea and schematic design back to the center and then expands it further. Blessings. Creator and author: Gloria Jean Harden-Bailey and teen space/science innovator: Marcus Marcelus Bailey for the original schematic design plan.
Darrien Douglass Bailey-Post review analysis and discussion notes: October 10, 2014
Interesting idea: My only question is the cost of the unit and its availability?  Solar units are not cheap and for them to be put into a package could be expensive.  Also, where would these units be sold and who would install them?
Brainstorming solutions:  Gloria Bailey-Gloria J Bailey, October 10, 2014
1.  Create a cost breakdown analysis per “Eco Backup Hybrid Generator” unit.
2.  Gather manufacturer distribution discount of parts once schematic design/engineering plan and templates are completed and drawn to the actual scale of the part. Automatic machine production.
3.  Estimate the amount of existing and hired workers who would create, develop and produce these parts of the home unit and what would be their labor hours and wages.
4. Who would partner to be the production company and retailers to purchase the “Eco Backup Hybrid Generator’?
5. Locate the installation experts for the home units and what is the installation fee?
(Experts and Officials should take this every day home heating plan towards a product with their resources). Original ideas, concept created by Gloria J Bailey of Innervoice Consulting and Marcus Marcelus Bailey (Middle School) and Darrien Douglass Bailey(University Student) at Innervoice.
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Invented more than 100 years ago, the #electric car is once again becoming popular for many of same reasons consumers favored the vehicle in the early 1900s. Travel back in time with our new #interactive  timeline to explore the history of the #EV  and learn what road this clean #energy  technology will take in the future →
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I love this technology. .
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#DidYouKnow  When driving on level road and in city traffic, your vehicle's #engine might be using more #energy that it needs? A new technology developed by +General Motors with support from the Energy Department is changing that. Called the Intake Valve Lift Control, this technology is helping drivers save up to one mile per gallon of #gasoline  -- adding up to an estimated savings of 4 million gallons of #gas a year. Learn more →
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Looking for ways to incorporate renewable #energy  -- like #solar  and #wind  -- at home but don't know where to start? Now's your chance to ask Energy Department experts. Submit your questions below or by tagging it with #AskEnergySaver  ➝
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+michael naude Thermodynamics is a very broad field; however as a Requirement on any Steep Sloped Roofing Assembly NFA (Net Free Area for Attic Ventilation) is both a requirement of most Manufacturer's as well as Building Code.
I'm in Texas, where a balanced 1 to 300 for Attic Ventilation where possible is the nominal amount.
Where Architectural Constraints do not allow "Balanced NFA then the 1 to 150 rule is Used"*.
Now California understands the importance of Thermodynamics better than any US State I know of where even balanced areas have to be at the 1 to 150 Ratio.
How does thermodynamics apply to this and sustainability? By allowing a home or buildings attic space to breathe properly. The Cooler come in at the lowest elevation and allow the Warmer Air to Exit though the Highest Point possible.
Many older homes that once had "Wood Shake Roofs were designed without Soffits or Soffit Vents and when the Roofing Industry switched from Wood Shake installed over Strip Battens attached to the Rafters the Home Could breathe.
When Asphalt Composition Shingles became the norm, and after the IBC and IRC were adopted and indoctrinated  Solid Sheathing was required for Asphalt Composition Assemblies.
At first Composition Shingles were attached over wood shakes,, before the IBC (Chapetr 15) and before the IRC (Chapter 9).
I remember once meeting with a Home Owners Association who wanted to Re Roof a 30 Building Town Home Community.
One of the First Questions they asked me was, "Why are we replacing a 10 year old Roof System?" My answer was, "You do not have any ventilation in your attics and the Asphalt Shingles are getting so hot during the Summer that they are Blistering and Aging Pre Maturely.
Next question, what can we do abut it? I said you have several option and I will provide examples with descriptions and then let you decide, along with recommending a much  lighter color Shingle with a higher SRI.
Long story Short I redesigned the Ventilation Systems, so they were thermodynamically balanced. I won the award.
While the Project was about half way through on BOD Member called me and said, "Bill my AC is running is less than ever, and the 2nd floor is not getting near as hot". That was great news.
The Sustainability increase was estimated at close to 20% and greatly helped improve the ROI Period.
Since I am in Texas, T Boone Pickenspretty pretty much has most the Wind Generated Power already installed, working, and providing most of the States Renewable Energy to Green Energy Providers.
Do I understand the Importance of Thermodynamics? You bet. Do they make a difference? Big time. Unfortunately they are one of the most not understood aspects in the Roofing Industry, and very often they are not properly accounted for when Older Homes that once had Wood Shake Roofs are Re Roofed.
If you have more to offer on ways to improve Thermodynamics I would love to hear them.
Thanks for your time and response.
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