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(This post is part of our series on Midwest Cleantech Open winners.) The reason you see bridges, ships, and commercial and military aircraft in the photo montage below is that this Novi, Michigan company has its sights set on doing a lot with laser…
John Despujols's profile photoDavid Andrews's profile photoZachary Shahan's profile photo
Thanks for all the Posts!   They are going to be pushing the keystone pipeline soon which creates zero jobs.. Too bad the public is not as informed as you. 
I'm honestly a little depressed by the election results. WTF?
Don't be, it is just the 6 year itch.. Old Republicans vote in midterms and millennial as well as other demographics stay home... . You should have seen it coming.... And you know what else?  2016 is going to be a blow out in the opposite direction..
I presume heat is the mechanism. Makes me wonder about resultant metallurgical structural characteristics on alloys like aluminum.
+John Despujols: being a Floridian, it just sucked to see Crazy Rick Scott re-elected... and then similar wins across the country. But you're right. (I hope!)
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