No, WrestleMania Is Not Coming to Cowboys Stadium (At Least, Not In the Next Two Years)

Categories: Sports
This morning a few Friends of Unfair Park asked: Is WrestleMania really coming to Cowboys Stadium? Um ... I dunno? Kinda looked like it, maybe: Several popular wrestling websites, including this one, keep saying that WWE's signature event, which is closing in on its 30th anniversary, is scheduled to take place in Arlington in 2014. Or maybe even in 2013! Unless it goes to New Jersey. The rumors have been floating around for months, looks like. Anyway.

Don't ask me. Ask Brett Daniels, a spokesman for the Cowboys and, specifically, Cowboys Stadium. I did, and this is what he had to say on that subject:
We can't host WrestleMania the next two years because of NCAA Regional in '13 and Final Four in '14. We've talked with them and gave it a shot but couldn't make the schedule work.
Any other questions?


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I'd rather see the scripted sports entertainment of WWE Wrestlemania than watch the Cowboys do what is becoming a scripted fail year after year.

Don Abbott
Don Abbott

Who the hell needs wrestling?  The absolute best holds come courtesy of the Cowboys' offensive line.


Its only a matter of time when Wrestlemania will come to Dallas, The Georgia Dome in Atlanta was the first sell out in years and WWE on the verge of selling out Wrestlemania 28 in Miami. Wrestling is coming around again especially with The Rock and Stone Cold interested in Wrestling again.


Why not schedule rasslin' and tractor pulls and hillbilly hand fishing Sunday afternoons in the Fall?  Better use of the stadium than the Cowboys ...


Only a matter of time. Wrestlemania has become quite the spectacle again over the last decade, and they love to hold the event in massive stadiums.

I'm more interested to see when UFC runs a show there. UFC sold out AAC, Strikeforce didn't, but neither one had a spectacular card. They'll probably need a monster main event for Cowboys Stadium. I thought Brock could have headlined there (maybe he'll appear at the eventual Wrestlemania!), but as of right now, probably only GSP vs. Silva or Jones vs. Silva could do it.


The Cowboys once again missing out on the money shot.

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