Articles by Joe Fisher

Plains-Enterprise JV Expanding Texas Condensate Capability

Plains All American Pipeline LP and Enterprise Products Partners LP are constructing a condensate gathering system into their Three Rivers, TX, terminal and doubling the mainline capacity of their Eagle Ford Joint Venture Pipeline from Three Rivers to Corpus Christi, TX. Read More

Denton, TX, Votes Fracking Out, Lawsuits In

Nearly 59% of voters in Barnett Shale town Denton, TX, chose to ban hydraulic fracturing, making it the first Texas city to do so... Read More

Industry Brief


Marathon's U.S. Onshore Can Weather Price Downturn, Executives Say

Marathon Oil Corp.'s U.S. resource plays can hold their own in a low-price environment, and the company's U.S. drilling program is expected to proceed essentially unchanged from plan, executives said Tuesday. Read More

Bear Head Doubles Size of Nova Scotia LNG Project

Perth, Australia-based Liquefied Natural Gas Ltd.'s (LNG Ltd.) Bear Head LNG Corp. plans to double the capacity of its proposed natural gas liquefaction and export terminal on Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia, to 8 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) from 4 mtpa. Read More

Prices Expected to Take Beating in Coming Gas-on-Gas War

The natural gas market has seen gas-on-gas competition before, but the mix-up coming between low-cost molecules from Appalachia... Read More

Utility Quartet Files for Marcellus/Utica Pipeline Project

The backers of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, led by Dominion, have filed to begin FERC's prefiling process for the 550-mile project, which would cost more than $4.5 billion and deliver Marcellus/Utica shale gas to Virginia and North Carolina. Read More

Pieridae Energy Seeks OK to Liquefy U.S. Gas in Nova Scotia for Global Export

The general partner of Goldboro LNG LP II, which is developing a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal on the Nova Scotia coast near Halifax, is seeking authority to export U.S. gas to feed the project. Read More

Enterprise Bakken-to-Cushing Project Facing Cheap Oil Headwinds

Lower prices for crude oil aren't doing any favors for Enterprise Products Partners LP's proposed crude pipeline from North Dakota to the Cushing, OK, hub, executives admitted Thursday. But U.S. producers have staying power even at lower oil prices because the country " in the middle of a production revolution," they said. Read More