Man Tells Sister He Dug Up Their Dead Dad and Brought Him Home. Joke Gets Him Arrested.

Jonelle B.
Most likely not the casket the man stole to prank his sister.
A little before 1 a.m. this morning, a 34-year-old man broke into a hearse at Hughes Funeral Home in northwest Dallas. He managed to take the casket out and abscond before officers arrived on scene. This was the high point of his night, we're guessing.

With the casket in tow, the man, Angel Jamaica, went to his sister's, on Browder Street in South Dallas. From the funeral home, that's about 10 miles. After his sister saw him and the casket, she called the police. It was now around 1:30 a.m. The sister told dispatch that her brother had dug up their father's corpse from a cemetery and brought him home.

When the officers arrived to the sister's house, police say, they realized her brother matched the description of the suspect who stole the casket from a hearse. Both the brother and the sister told the cops it was a prank. Their dearly departed dad, they told police, remained in the ground.

The officers arrested the alleged casket-stealer for public intoxication. The casket has found a new home at the Dallas Police property room.

Send your story tips to the author, Sky Chadde.


My Voice Nation Help

"arrived to the sister's house," presumably after taking the short, yellow bus?

everlastingphelps topcommenter

Bad headline.  The joke didn't get him arrested, burglarizing the funeral home did.


Arrested - that's a little harsh. C'mon, who hasn't done this?


Mmmm yeah, maybe shenangins of youth...this guy is 34!  It's that demon rum!

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